Sunday, January 3, 2010

Skyler Came Over...

Well today turned out to be a grand day altogether! It started out with a wonderful sermon from Don and it was so incredibly moving. He taught out of Hebrews and how Christ is our High Priest and how He has been tempted in every aspect that we are yet is without sin. He gets us and loves us just the same. He loves pouring out His mercy and grace. He doesn’t get frustrated and want to throw up His hands every time we mess up just thinking, “Fine, I’ll give you another chance if I have to.” No instead He loves us deeply and looks on us as His cherished children. What a wonderful way to start out your day, knowing you are chosen by God and loved by Him.

After church we had a fellowship dinner that was very good. I ate more than I should, but all the food was so good I just couldn’t stop myself. The fellowship with God’s family members was even better. We chatted and got caught up on the latest events, such as what we did on New Year’s Eve. I filled them in on our evening at Nonna’s and the wonderful fun we had playing Farkle at Ma’s afterwards. I also got to see Josh who is leaving for Afghanistan on Wednesday and had a wonderful visit with him. Lord knows my thoughts and prayers will be with him as he serves over there for two years. He is ready and excited to go. He actually signed up to go over there, which amazes me and makes me so very proud of him.

I came home and started picking up the house because I knew Skyler was coming over to work on the computer today and to also work on the entertainment center. There wasn’t much I could do but stand by when he worked on the computer, but I served him the famous chocolate coffee and some coke and we had wonderful conversation. After he worked on the computers for a couple of hours he was finally able to finish up as much as he could (and he got so much done!), and he started on the entertainment center. I was actually able to help on that one which made me really excited that I could be of some assistance. Rather than fixing the one problem with the center, he thinks it would be better if we just totally rewire everything! This is no small feat! We have so much in this system that it isn’t even funny. Yet with the both of us working on it, it only took us about two hours to get it done. That’s not bad considering all the wires we had to undo and redo! Skyler was a huge help and so as payment to him we made him dinner. We had pork chops, noodles, and veggies. Danny made the pork chops and they were so good. We tried to pay Skyler for his help and he wouldn’t take anything, he said dinner was payment enough. I made a chocolate cake and sent some home with him. I swear I would adopt that boy if I could. He’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever met!

Right now we are getting ready to play Farkle with Steve and I’m looking forward to it. I didn’t get anything accomplished on the house today, but there’s always tomorrow. God was so good to us today, through His message, and through family members through Christ. It makes me so very thankful that I am called a child of God and that I am a member in the family of God. May the Lord bless you today and tomorrow and all the days to come. He is great in His goodness and endless in His loving mercy.

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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