Friday, January 29, 2010

Details, Details (lol)....

By popular request I have been asked to keep the details in so you asked for it so here we go! Yesterday seemed to be a pretty filled day, maybe because we started so early in the morning. I had to get up and check to see if Ciara’s school was closed and I think it was the only school in the state that hadn’t closed. I was a little mad. I sat there and thought about it because the freezing rain was already coming down and I don’t do well on slick roads. The teachers had sent home the home work for Thursday and Friday just in case they did close. The more I thought about it the more I thought it would be stupid to send her especially since they had talked about being opened maybe half a day. Why drive in town for her to spend four hours there to only have to turn around and drive another 20 minutes in and 20 minutes back? I spend all my morning driving on roads that I hate! I don’t think so!!! So I decided to heck with it and let her sleep in!

In the mean time, Danny and I had decided the night before we needed to go grocery shopping first thing in the morning to be prepared for this storm that was coming in. So at 7:30 (early for me!) I was up getting dressed to head into town. The difference this time is he was driving (and he does fine in this since he grew up in Chicago) and I was passenger. I could handle that. We hadn’t been try grocery shopping in months and we were depleted out of almost everything! I knew it was going to be a big shopping trip but I was prepared to spend almost $400.00 for necessities. Now bear with me for a second! When I say necessities I’m talking about dog food, cat food, meats (which are so expensive), lunch stuff, toilet paper, paper towels, produce, canned goods, well you get the picture. We spent two hours in there and I was mentally exhausted when we left (from trying to keep track of all the money we were spending and I was within $20.00 of being right).

We came home and started unloading groceries with the help of Ciara. She would put away why Danny and I brought them in. She also helped with dishes because I had to clean out the refrigerator to make everything fit. She hates doing dishes and we ended up having an argument over it because she thought she would get out from having to do it. Oh, I don’t even think so! She was saying it wasn’t her dishes so she shouldn’t have to. I’m telling you I got so mad! So Danny says, “Did you eat the food in those containers? Was food cooked for your consumption? I’ll tell you what we can do to fix this! From now on you will clean up only after you which means; you’ll vacuum the floor once a day because you walk on the carpet, you will cook your own food and clean up that mess, you will do your own laundry, you will clean the kitchen totally up after each meal you make for yourself because that’s a part of cleaning, how does that sound?” Rofl!!!! He was mad I was made and she was stunned! He got her attention that was for sure. But even after that she goes in her bedroom and tries to say she needs to clean it first. Danny says, “Oh, no you don’t! You WILL clean your room, but only AFTER you do the dishes like you were told, or would you like to go with the other plan?” It took everything within me not to scream at her and not to die laughing at him! She was being so obstinate which is unlike her, but at the same time Danny was a genius for coming up with the alternative idea! Gosh I love that man!!!

While she was working on the dishes I went out to feed the animals. It was raining that freezing rain and it was cold but I knew it would just get worse as the afternoon wore on so I wanted to get it done early. I went out to the rabbits and found a new litter of baby bunnies!! I hope this litter makes it! We’ve already had 4-5 litters die and I’m not sure why. I have a sinking feeling that the mothers or our buck is eating the babies. I’m not very hopeful that they’re going to make it, but I’m sure hoping so. We keep them in the old chicken house so they are inside, and it wasn’t too bad in there. Then I headed down to feed the horses and man was it slick! We were able to get the two yearlings in the barn so we felt better about that. The horses seemed to be doing ok but they do have the barn to go into. They had plenty of water so I didn’t get a chance to see if the water pipe was frozen but I can’t say I missed doing that. I did do a no-no and had to picked up a bale of hay with my bad shoulder and boy did it hurt. But the horses had to have hay! My shoulder was pretty sore after that, but what are you going to do?

I headed back up to the house half frozen through and went to go get me my chocolate coffee! I hadn’t had any yet and it was already afternoon. I was late getting started on that. When I came in the dishwasher was running, but there were still some dishes left in the sink. I went and asked Ciara about it and she was cleaning her room. She said she was waiting for the dishwasher to get finished so she could unload that and reload it. I thought that was an acceptable answer so I left her to cleaning her room. I got my cup of coffee and headed to the computer. I think I missed the computer as much as I missed my chocolate coffee. I hadn’t updated anyone on our current status on how we were fairing in the storm so I hopped to it. I love getting caught up with all my fb friends. Then it was poetry time. There were some that I had already written that needed to be entered into the computer and there was some on the computer that needed to be updated in my poetry book. I’m currently working on my forth book though it’s still in the beginning stages. There are some blogs that I thought about inputting in the book, but as you all know they get so long that I decided it against it. As long as I have them saved somewhere in cyberspace I should be good. So that was my afternoon, typing up old poems and writing down new poems in my book.

Evening brought a fun time spent with family. Tanya and Steve came up for a sandwich dinner (LOL) and I showed Steve how to make my chocolate chip cookie bars. Ciara forgot to check on the bars so they got crispy and we like ours nice and chewy but it still wasn’t bad. We decided it was a cold and blustery night so it was a perfect night to play Farkle. For whatever reason the dice were really nice to me and I won 3 games out of 6. Not too bad for a night of some serious playing! As the night wore on though my back and shoulder really started hurting me and I was thinking it may be from lifting the hay earlier in the day. Whatever reason it was hurting, it felt like the early stages of back labor and I was a cranky camper. Steve and Tanya didn’t end up leaving until after midnight and Nicky had fallen asleep on the couch so we just let him spend the night.

When they left I took some medicine to help with the pain in my back and shoulder, then I hopped on the computer again. I saw that Tara was online so I IMed her and we ended up talking for about an hour. After that I still wasn’t feeling sleepy so I started reading my Bible. I ended up getting through Saturday’s readings and it just felt good getting into the word. I think I got a lot out of it, too much in fact to include it this already incredibly long blog.

So with that I’m going to get off here and try to get rid of this headache I have today. I’ve had it since I woke up and I can’t seem to shake it. I’m not sure if I’ll blog again today because this one has been so long and all I’ve done today is cook and be on the computer. We’ll have dinner later on but that will be the extent of my day. Nicky is up here now and him and Ciara are going outside to play in the snow and I’m going to go outside and take a few pictures to post on fb. Not a very busy day compared to yesterday. I’m actually thinking about lying down for a nap even though I woke up so incredibly late. Stay warm out there people! I don’t know about you, but its sure cold here, I’m just thankful that we still have our power. God is so good to us, but please keep those prayers and warm thoughts coming our way because we sure could use them!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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