Friday, January 1, 2010

To Dress Up or Not to Dress Up? That is the Question...

Today seemed to be a successful day. Outside of the time I was on the computer I was cleaning the house. Now mind you I was on the computer most of the day (as I am everyday), but when I wasn’t I was cleaning the kitchen, the living room, and just little things here and there. I think it proved to be a productive day. The only thing I haven’t done yet is my Bible study. I’m trying to convince myself to go do it, but I also would like to go take a nice long, hot bubble bath! Man I love those things! Drink a small glass of wine, read, man that is a good evening! Maybe I can just do some quiet time with my bath! Just an idea, though I wouldn’t want to drop my Bible in the water. Heaven knows it doesn’t need a washing lol.

I’m still trying to decide if I want to get dressed up again and get the pictures I didn’t get last night. I’m pretty comfortable right now in my lounging clothes, but I would still like to get some pictures. Maybe when Shay gets home she’ll want to do the same thing. We’ll see… But I know I need to find something to do because it’s when I’m bored that I really start craving a cigarette (like right now!!!). I could go work on my bathroom, but I really don’t want to clean any more today. I’ve played on my phone, updated Facebook, chatted with Skyler (my buddy!!), and now I’m blogging yet again.

What I didn’t write about the other day was Bob’s funeral. I’ve know Bob since I was two (or younger?) because my mom went to work for him at his mobile home business. She worked for him for over 20 years and they became very close. Now when I say really close I mean as close as you’ll allow your imagination to go (get the hint!). He was married and had three kids and was a family man. Now I’m pretty sure he was one of the father’s to one of the two babies my mom miscarried. In any case Danny also wondered if he could be one of my potential fathers. We’ll never know now, but I really don’t think he is or was. Anyways, I always called him Uncle Bob and his wife Aunt Kay. So when the funeral is over my mom goes up to Kay and they just start hugging and crying together. Now Kay knows about the affair that Bob and my mom had. I sit there thinking, “Is this awkward for anyone except me? The wife and the mistress are hugging and crying together. This ranks as one of the top weird moments of my life.” The tribute they had for Uncle Bob was very nice. The moment was weird but the time was nice. Mom was actually civil to me and we hugged and she cried on my shoulder. I don’t know what that means other than the fact she was just very emotional that day. I am hesitant to become hopeful, because we’ve had these moments in the past and it didn’t amount to anything after that.

Well that’s the latest goings on over here. I feel like I am adequately caught up now. I can say I had a successful day my first day of the year, and now I just need to keep it going throughout the rest of the year. Time is the true test of all these goals I’ve set before myself.

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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