Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pretty Non-Eventful Day....

Yesterday was a pretty non-eventful day. I had to wake up early because I had my MRI scheduled for yesterday morning on my right shoulder, and had to be at St. Anthony’s by 8:30. Ciara woke up late and I didn’t end up getting there until 8:45. They didn’t tell me where the procedure place was so I parked clear on the other side from where the MRI place is located. You want to talk about a lot of walking! It was insane! They also didn’t tell me that I would have to go to admitting first so when I got there I went straight to the MRI room only to have to walk clear across the hospital again to be admitted in and then go clear back to the MRI office. I can tell you I didn’t wear the right kind of shoes for all that walking! I got me a mini-workout! So I think most everyone has had a MRI. They are loud, too small, and too long. Yes that’s an MRI! I had a tickle in my throat and needed to cough so bad but you have to hold so still in those things because frankly there’s no room to cough in there! I ended up not being able to hold back the cough and ended up coughing during one of the scans. What a pain! I don’t know if they had to redo that scan or not, all I know is I was in there for almost an hour!

On my way back I stopped and tanned and then I called up my friend who’s going through the divorce. I hadn’t talked to her in almost two weeks. I wasn’t sure if I should call her or not because I don’t think she wants to hear what I have to say. I think she and her husband is wrong on many levels and it’s hard for me to be a comfort to her when I see them doing the stuff their doing and the kids having to pay for it! I love those kids so much, and I think the adults are acting stupid and the kids shouldn’t have to suffer because of their parents stupid decisions. I can already tell this divorce is going to be nasty. They are both accusing each other of cheating (and maybe it happened and maybe it didn’t, I’m in no position to say anything about that), he wants her to take a drug test (and I can honestly say I don’t think she’s doing drugs), they both want the house, they both are fighting for full custody of the kids, and they both think the other person is crazy for asking what they are asking for. She’s not going to get the house because she has no job (nor does she want to get one, but too bad!) and has no money to keep it. He’s not paying the mortgage payments right now and they are 2-3 months behind so I can’t see how they don’t get foreclosed on. He isn’t giving her any money for the household (not even money for food for the kids!), she refuses to get a job to have money for food for the kids, and they are both acting more immature than all the children combined. So you can see where she wouldn’t want to hear what I have to say. I would tell her go get a job where ever they are hiring. Don’t be picky because you need money to raise those babies! And stop bashing him in front of the kids! Nothing makes me madder than when she cusses and swears about him in front of those kids! It’s totally uncalled for. So why did I call her? Because on some level I want to be a good friend, I want her to know I still love her (even if I think she’s wrong), and that I will try to be there for the whole family the best way I can (and maybe that’s leaving the adults alone for awhile, but I don’t know).

I got home and I was so tired from not sleeping the night before because of all the pain I’m having in this shoulder. Danny was sleeping (I didn’t get home until around noon) because as far as his body is concerned it’s the middle of the night, not the middle of the day. So I did the perfectly lazy thing and went and got out of my day clothes, put on some comfortable sleepwear and crawled in bed and slept! I didn’t sleep well again because my shoulder is still hurting but I did get some much needed rest. I think I ended up sleeping like four hours! I felt better once I got up and felt more rested. I had to finally make myself get up because we had mini-church up at the church last night and I had to get stuff ready to take up there.

I went to mini-church and it was fun. My friend Michelle showed up and I hadn’t seen her in a while. So we had a chance to get caught up on her crazy life and when I say crazy, I mean saga crazy! She could write books on the drama in her life. It makes my life seem very dull in comparison. It was a 50’s theme, but I didn’t get dressed up because I just didn’t feel like it. However, the others that did get all decked out looked so cute! We had great food, wonderful fellowship, and some fun singing when it was all over with. It lasted for about 3 ½ hours, but it was a great time. By the time it was wrapping up Danny was already heading to the city to go to work and I hadn’t had a chance to make him any dinner. So I asked a few people if they minded if I took him some of their chili up there to him at the station and they said they didn’t mind at all. So I loaded up on some wonderful chili and headed to downtown so I could take my man so dinner.

I got to the station around 9:30 and I stayed until 11:30. They never mind me coming up there and sitting with him for awhile. The officers up there are always so nice, though they do typically ask if I made them some cookies or some other sweet. They love my baking and are always bummed when I come up there empty handed. I even thought about stopping and getting them some donuts, but things are tight in the checking account right now so I decided they would be ok without anything last night. It makes me realize that as soon as I find out what’s going on with my shoulder I have to get a job myself. If I have to have surgery, fine, but I’m going to recover like I have a job to get back to! I want to do this quickly so I can start helping my family out. I’m taking my own advice and not being picky. I’ve already turned in seven applications and I’m waiting to hear something back as we speak. If everything comes out ok and I haven’t torn my rotator cuff then the following day (from when I find out) I’m going job hunting! If I have torn the rotator cuff, I’m scheduling the surgery for as soon as possible so I can begin doing physical therapy quickly and start working! I’m actually looking forward to getting a job. I think I’m ready for it. Well today is almost half way over and I haven’t done a thing. So I’m going to jump off here and try to do something. I’m not sure what yet, but I’ll figure it out. No napping today! I’ll do what my shoulder allows me to do! Other day in the life of me….

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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