Monday, January 18, 2010

Crazy Long Weekend...

What a crazy and long weekend it was! I can’t believe it’s already the end of Monday and the week is just beginning! It wasn’t one of our greatest weekends, but I guess it wasn’t the worse. I’m not quite sure what to put on here anymore because recently I’ve gotten complaints that I share too much to too many people. I edited my notes page to where only four people can see it now. So if you’re reading this, you’re one of the lucky four! It made me mad. If you don’t want to see what’s going on in my life, then don’t read my blogs! I was told facebook isn’t for blogging. No, it’s for social interaction and I happen to have my blog set up to post on here, but it doesn’t mean you have to read it. Anyway, enough about that rant, because trust me I could go on for awhile!

I didn’t handle myself very well this weekend. I saw a person from my past and it really upset me, to the point of tears. This person hurt me very deeply and I would say permanently even though I’ve forgiven them the hurt doesn’t necessarily go away. I started having a panic attack and it didn’t go so well. I tried to hide it best I could. I don’t know how well I succeeded but I tried to act like everything was normal. When I got out into the car I just started bawling. Danny and Ciara both knew how upset I was and tried to console me the best way possible, but it was my own demons I had to deal with. That’s why I wrote the poem “Nightmare” on Saturday, because it was for me, a hellish day.

Sunday was somewhat better but not great. Shannon took Ciara and her friend to church with her and we started getting ready for church. In the process we got a call and it was Shannon saying she had been in a car accident and it was her fault. So we quickly jumped in the car and headed that way. No one was hurt, thank goodness, but the other persons car got pretty messed up. Shay, Ciara, and Destiny went on to church when we finished up, but Danny and I couldn’t because we were in our sloppy clothes that we just threw on to go to the accident in.

We were suppose to go get family pictures taken on Sunday but Brenna didn’t remember and Megan thought it was going to be another day so we showed up and no one else was there. So we were all dressed up with nowhere to go so we went to eat at Chili’s. The girls had already gotten lunch so it was Danny and I eating. My shoulder was killing me when we got home so I took my medicine and I was out for the evening. For some reason I was so tired (and it wasn’t because of the medicine because it’s the non-drowsy type) so I ended up sleeping the majority of the evening and through the night. It was nice but it made me feel incredibly lazy.

Right now (while I’m typing) I am getting the best back massage and it is so hard to concentrate! Ciara is so wonderful to me. This weekend when we were at the birthday party and we were around the demon from my past, she kept coming in to check on me and make sure I was doing ok. A few times she would pull me out of the room where they were and take me to another room so I wouldn’t be so nervous. I’m telling you I have the best daughter around! Anyway I’m getting a neck, shoulder, back massage all while I’m typing this and it feels so good! She is always so considerate of other people and I don’t think I’m being bias.

Well I guess I better get off here and go get me some rest. I was going to have a MRI on my shoulder tomorrow, but they had to move it to Friday. So tomorrow Danny and I are going to the doctor’s office (he needs to get his prescriptions refilled and I have to get this shoulder looked at again) and hopefully we get some good news. I hope everyone had a good weekend and you are doing well. As for me I am going to bed and hopefully get a good nights sleep…

Melissa Fitzwilliam


  1. I think it is always good to vent than to keep it inside of you. NO matter how you choose to let it all out, it's good. I believe that forgiveness is something that God gave us for us. And when you do forgive someone it doesn't mean that the feelings that you have for that person will go away. But as long as you give it all to God, He will get you through it. And it helps that you have the awesome support of your husband and daughter. From what I have read, I can see you have been through plenty to last two lifetimes and through it you have been faithful to our Savior and that says something about the person you are, what an awesome child of God you are. I hope your shoulder gets to feeling better and I love reading your blog. Thanks for allowing me the oppurtunity to do so.


  2. Thanks for following my blog! I often wondered if what I did on here would ever make a difference in people. It's my prayer that it would be that way. Yes I've been through alot in my lifetime, but God has brought me through it all miraculously. He is my peace and my great comfort. I'll be blogging more about my shoulder because it looks like I'll be having surgery on it soon. I'll keep everyone updated...
