Thursday, January 7, 2010

Coffee Date!

Yesterday was a great day! I was actually able to wake up and not feel sleepy! That is a big thing for me. Maybe it was because I knew I had something to do, but I actually felt rested. It seemed like my sleep was good and restful, which is a rare thing for me anymore. I came home from taking Ciara to school and got busy right away. I put a roast on to cook in the slow cooker because I heard it makes them really tender and I knew I would be gone for awhile. Then I proceeded to get ready because I had a coffee date with Tara and her friends.

I left a little early because there were just a few things I had to do before I went to Tara’s house. First, I wanted to go tanning. Yes, I know it’s bad for you but my contract isn’t up for almost another 8 months so I’ll utilize it while I have it. I’m always able to relax in the tanning bed. I take little catnaps in there because it’s so warm and toasty. When I got done there I headed to Wal-Mart to pick up my favorite chocolate coffee and some creamer.

I headed to Tara’s house a little early so I could get the coffee going. I was able to meet her three youngest children who were absolutely adorable and so well behaved! It’s so nice to see well behaved kids because anymore it seems like the kids are calling the shots rather than the mom. In any case, I met her two friends Charity and Nikki and they were both just lovely and so were their kids. We had a great time of fellowship and I think we might start doing it once a week. It will be like a mommy play date lol.

I came home and started working around the house. I got some clothes folded and another load in the laundry. I picked up a little in the kitchen and made me some of my lemon parsley pasta, which I absolutely love! I went to go get Ciara while Danny stayed at home because his mom and step-dad were coming up to play a game of Farkle. Danny calls me when I’m on my way to the school and tells me the doctor wants him to go back to the ER because his head was hurting so bad and the doctor couldn’t see him until today.

So I got home and we headed up to the hospital. It’s always the same thing when we go there. As a matter of fact many of the nurses and the doctors now know who we are and why we’re there! Danny is so sick of going to the hospital, but last night his headache was a 9 out of 10 on the pain scale and it was making him sick to his stomach. So we begin the waiting process as we get checked in and then the wait to see the doctor once you get back in the room. They, of course, recognized us and started the same meds they always give him. The only difference last night was they didn’t give him a shot in the base of his skull like they normally do because the only doctor who does that wasn’t working last night. The medicine only lasted about four hours then he was back in the same pain he was when we went to the ER. He ended up only sleeping about an hour or hour and a half all night and in the process kept me up all night. I, at one point, went out to the couch to try to get some sleep but couldn’t sleep out there either because I was worried about him.

Morning came way too soon! We accidently overslept and Ciara was late to school. Danny drove in thinking the roads would be bad but they weren’t at all. But it was a blessing in disguise because the doctor was able to work him in first thing this morning. So we headed up there and seem to wait for forever. When we were able to finally see the doctor the only thing he was able to do today was give him a different pain medicine. It’s a brand new medicine so our insurance wouldn’t cover it and it cost us a little over $500.00! Thank goodness for credit cards is all I can say about that! He took the medicine and he says, as of right now, his head isn’t feeling any better, but he is getting sleepy so maybe if he can get some sleep it will help the headache some.

I just put some chicken in the slow cooker for dinner tonight and put a load of laundry in the dryer. I can’t clean the kitchen because our hot water hose is frozen. I had to wash the slow cooker in the bathtub to even get it clean! I feel amazingly frustrated and useless right now. There’s not much I can do without hot water in the kitchen and with Danny falling asleep I can’t vacuum. So here I sit blogging. I have to go get Ciara in about thirty minutes, then I have to take Shannon her book and her iPod cord. Then I will run to PetsMart to grab some puppy food for our babies and then back home. Hopefully by then the hot water will be thawed and I can do something. Danny is saying he’s going to feed so he can get the yearlings in the barn since it’s going to get colder. Steve (brother-in-law) and Roy (father-in-law) are coming up to help so maybe they can get it done quickly. It’s been a full day and it’s only half way over. Things have just got to get better! At least yesterday was an awesome day and I’m looking forward to our next coffee date!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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