Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Well all I need is the MRI to confirm that I’ve torn my rotator cuff. I went in to my regular doctor today and he put me through an extremely painful examination and he thinks it’s probably torn. This was not the news I was looking for to say the very least. The last thing I want or need is another surgery! I’ve had enough to last me a lifetime and I’ve heard that those particular surgeries take a long time to recover from. What I really need is a job, but I know the Lord knows what He’s doing so I don’t want to second guess Him.

We went out to eat after we got out of the doctor’s office and it was so good! We went and had Pho and it really hit the spot. It was nice and warm and what made it especially nice is Brenna joined us for dinner. I was able to get back an outfit that I had loaned to her and just sit and get caught up on the latest stuff going on with her. She is doing well with her boyfriend and they seem to really be in love. We haven’t got to meet him yet, but he sounds like a wonderful guy. The fact that he’s a Christian doesn’t hurt matters either! Of course that’s what thrills Danny and I the most!

Danny and I are still disagreeing about what FaceBook is exactly about. He thinks the government can get on here and see everything we have going on, and while that may be true, who cares what I do with my day. I put this down because it’s therapeutic for me. I seriously doubt someone of great importance cares that I went to the doctor today with a possible rotator cuff tear. I doubt they are concerned with the fact that I have dirty dishes in my sink and a floor that needs to be vacuumed. And even if they do care, what in the world are they going to do with this information! How is that damaging in any way? Will it hurt the possibility of me getting a job? I doubt it, but if it does then I shouldn’t have had that job anyway! Can you hear the frustration in my typing? Can you tell how absolutely exasperated I am!? Grrrr!

Later on we are going down to Steve’s house for Nicky’s birthday party. Nicky is turning 11 today. I remember when he was just a baby and we were having his 1st birthday party. The kids are growing up so fast! You barely turn your head and they go from being babies to being almost as tall as you are. He and Ciara get along so well together! They love playing together and doing chores together. He’s going to grow up to be a good boy! Sometimes I wish they didn’t grow up quite so fast…

I think that’s all we have going on today. I didn’t sleep well at all last night and I’m already feeling tired. It felt like I was awake all night long. I swear I had to look at the clock every 30 minutes. I’m ready for a good night’s sleep tonight. I was almost tempted to ask for something to help me sleep, but I figured I didn’t really need that. If I just get up when I should and go to bed when I should, I bet I’d be able to sleep just fine. Well just sitting here this short amount of time has got my shoulder flared up. I don’t know what I’ll do if I have to have surgery. I won’t be able to type for awhile and they will leave me crazy! Hopefully that won’t be the case. Please keep those prayers going!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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