Sunday, January 31, 2010

Family Pictures

Well yesterday wasn’t a very busy day, I even have a hard time remembering what I even did. The think the most memorable thing about yesterday was falling down the stairs and landing so hard! It gave me the worse headache imaginable. My body hurt all over and still does. The bad part about it was I had Mitch (one of our family weenie dogs) in my arms and I hurt him too! I felt so bad. He was limping and moaning, poor baby. It started by me picking him up to carry him down the stairs (he’s 15 years old! and can’t make it down the icy stairs by himself) so he could go to the bathroom. I was on the last step and just like in a cartoon my feet flew out from underneath me. I bumped down the last two steps before coming to a very hard landing on the ice packed ground. It felt like my spine was getting shoved up into my brain. Maybe it knocked the rest of my thoughts out of my brain lol.

I spent a lot of the day on the computer (what’s new) still getting caught up on my poetry. I had let it go for so long that it took me two days of getting caught up on everything, and believe or not, I’m still not done. I think it would take at least another day, day and a half, to be totally caught up and that’s if that was the only thing I was doing. But since my body hurts so badly today I’m not going to do any of it. I figure there is still plenty of time before I go to work to get it done. And please be praying about that. I really want this one job (if it’s in the will of God) and they are going to start call backs this next week. I don’t want to force myself into this position if I’m not suppose to have it, but this “feels” like the one. I think I could be really good at it. It’s retail which I’ve done before so I’m familiar with it, but now it’s just up to God. So please be praying that God provides me the job that He wants me to have.

Tanya and Steve came up and Tanya made us dinner. We had made dinner the night before (roast) and last night she made this wonderful stew. It was just perfect for a cold winter’s night. I heated up some chocolate in my fondue melter and we had chocolate dipped apples and bananas. We played Farkle and the dice just weren’t nice to me last night. We each won a game and had fun playing. I have to say I wasn’t in the best of moods because my whole body was in pain. It made for a very grumpy Mel! I decided to turn in early and try and get some rest because I knew we had pictures today.

Speaking of pictures! It was the highlight of my day today! I’m sure you’ve already seen the pictures I posted on facebook and they turned out so good! I’m not sure how long it will take to get them in but I can’t wait! The last time we took family pictures Ciara was 4 years old and now she’s 12! So it’s been 8 years and that’s just too long. When we got done we all had lunch together and it was so nice to have all the family together.

Other than that I’m fixing to lay down and take a nap for awhile and see if I can get rid of this headache. I’m going to lay on a heating pack for awhile, or I just may go in and take a nice hot bath and see if that helps. I’ll make tacos tonight for dinner and do my daily quiet time and call it a day. Danny will have to get up in the morning to take Ciara to school because the roads are still so bad out here. I hope they clear up before Tuesday because that’s my first day of physical therapy and I have to drive myself there. I’m sure if I’m really careful, I can make it. On a side note real quick; I’ve started smoking again so please be in prayer that I can stop. I really don’t want to be smoking, but it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to quit. I’m thinking about taking some of our tax return money and going and getting hypnotized and see if that will work. The patches just didn’t do it for me. I still “wanted” one, and I’m sure if you’re a smoker you understand. So please pray that the Lord takes away the desire for me to want one. Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement. Love you guys on Facebook and beyond so much!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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