Thursday, January 21, 2010


Today has been a nice day and it’s not even over yet. I’m feeling very peaceful today and content with my life. I have been searching for this feeling for so long now, especially with last year being filled with depression. I long to have the feeling that while everything may not be right in the world, everything was ok with me. I think maybe I finally have gotten there. Even with a potential surgery looming in front of me, I’m content with God’s will for my life. I struggled with Him for so long last year and it feels good to finally be at peace with Him and all He has planned for me. It took me long enough to get here and now I’m going to relax and enjoy my contentment.

Today Ciara’s class put on a play in chapel. She goes to private school so every week they have a chapel day (on Thursdays) and they all take turns “putting on” a chapel. The choir already sang this year for chapel and that’s when she had her wonderful solo. This time her 6th grade class put on a play that they wrote themselves. It was a knockoff of “Veggie Tales” and they were teaching on how to be a good friend and why not to be a bad friend. The little kids just loved it! Ciara did a great job (as usual). She always shines as a bright star to me. I’m sure every mother feels this way, but I’m sure she was the best one up there.

When the play was over I headed into town to get some running done before I headed to Tara’s. I stopped and grabbed me some Sonic for breakfast and then I went to tan. Yes, I know it’s bad for you, but my contract isn’t up until this coming October, so in the mean time, I will tan. Then I needed a few things from Wal-Mart (the great money sucking store) so I stopped in there to grab the rest of the things I needed for our morning coffee. I went in with a goal only to spend twenty dollars and it ended up coming to $21.somthing with tax. I thought I did very well in showing restraint when I could have bought some really cute clothes in there while I was shopping.

I headed over to Tara’s house so we could have our weekly coffee date. This is the second time I’ve been to her house, but it’s so much fun and I look forward to it so much! It’s just a time for the girls to get together and have some grown-up talk. It’s a nice time of fellowship with some great chocolate coffee! And her children are so adorable! They are well mannered and well behaved and that’s not something you see a lot of these days! I don’t know how she does it with six kids, but she does a great job. So we chatted for hours and I got to meet her husband today. We also had chocolate fondue today with apples, bananas, and cheesecake. You want to talk about some yummy snacking! It was living the high life.

I came home to a sleeping husband. He had to work last night so during the day he sleeps. He didn’t get home this morning until 7:30 and he’ll go back into work tonight at 8:30 (he has to be there and working and 9:00). He looked so peaceful sleeping and I couldn’t resist crawling in next to him to snuggle with him for awhile. I miss him so much when he’s gone, especially at night when I’m in a bed all by myself. I miss his warmth and just the comfort of knowing he’s right there. I get so pathetic on those nights many times I ask Ciara to sleep with me so I don’t have to sleep by myself. In any case, I curled up next to him for about thirty minutes and just listen to him breathe. I was so relaxing and satisfying on some deeper level. I don’t know that I can adequately explain what I mean, but the contentment was so overwhelming it almost brought me to tears. I don’t think you find a love like ours very often and I know I am so blessed to have him and our love.

After I pulled myself away from him I went to go get Ciara from school. Driving down the road got me to really thinking about where my day had me so far. In all the things I did I was content, even just driving down the road. I’m at peace with my place as a wife, mom, friend, and whatever other name you want to tag on to me. I felt as though I had done a good job today though I hadn’t accomplished anything at home. It was a deeper accomplishment of the soul. I had read my Bible today, done my prayer time, everything I had wanted to accomplish today on deeper level I had accomplished.

When I got home from picking Ciara up from school I started finishing up the dinner I had started early this morning. Before I headed out this morning I put a chicken in the slow cooker and put barbecue sauce on top of it and set it to cook for ten hours. I peeled potatoes (which killed my shoulder) for garlic mashed potatoes and made up some really good corn out of a recipe I dreamed up in my head. Ciara and I ate together since Danny was still sleeping. It turned out really good, and better than I had hoped.

With dinner finished up I still had to feed the horses. Well when I started talking to Ciara about it she said, “Oh no, you’re not feeding the horses with your hurt shoulder, I’ll do it.” I have such an amazing daughter! She said she was going to get my nephew to feed the horses and the rabbits while she’s gone to my ex-husbands house so I won’t have to worry about it. She doesn’t want me to feed and risk hurting my shoulder more! She is so sweet and thoughtful, she just amazes me.

Well Danny is up now and needing my attention. I also told Ciara I would help her make some cookies tonight. She makes some of the best chocolate cookies I’ve ever tasted! I guess I better get back to my blissful life and get busy. There is plenty left to do in this day, now it’s just a matter of getting it done. I pray the rest of the week goes this well. Please be praying about me getting a job. I feel really peaceful about that too! I think I’m ready for one. I’ll miss being at home all the time, but I think I need some adult interaction. But where ever God leads me is fine, I’m ready to go!

Melissa Fitzwilliam


  1. I was led to your blog by chance, but after reading it I've seen the Lord's hand in it. I too am a stay at home mom, and I have also had a very long year (year and a half actually) having suffered a severe trial of deep and very dark depression. I even lost the ability to hear the Lord's voice. I am thankful for this feeling of peace he's brought me (like what you refer to above) after going through such pain. Thank you for sharing your heart and your life.

  2. I don't think anything is by chance. God leads us where He wants us to go, the only question is will we follow. I can relate to your depression and you're right it is very deep and dark. I'm happy to be coming out of mine now, but always watching for the signs of it coming back. I too lost the ability to hear His voice and thought for sure He had forsaken me. I happy to report now that I can see it was during that dark and lonely time that He carried me. I look forward to hearing more from you!
