Thursday, December 10, 2009

Time Is All I Have....

What a productive day it was! It helps incredibly when you don’t stay in bed until well after 10:00am. I was up bright and early this morning to go to my appointment with Anita. She thinks I am making big improvements and that is always exciting to hear. After that I headed for the tanning bed and basked in its warmth on this very cold day. I also splurged today and went to Ross and got me a cute gray coat for only $16.00, a pair of gray boots, and a gray purse (and a few other tidbits). Then I headed to the health store for all kinds of things that are good for you. Then I decided to be a good wife and got the oil changed in Danny’s truck for him, and then I headed to the feed store for the horse and dog feed.

On my way back home I got a call from Danny saying he had one of his horrible headaches and he wanted me to take him to the emergency room. So we sat in there for several hours while the doctors through every medicine at him that you could possibly imagine. The headache has gotten a little better, but he can’t go to work tonight because they gave him a pretty hefty pain shot. It didn’t knock him out, but he is feeling somewhat better.

I had to call Gary and Jan to go get Ciara from school while we were waiting in the ER. Ciara was excited to be able to go with them for awhile. Once we left we went and picked up Briar, Stevie, and Nicky to come help unload all the feed. Now all we’re waiting for is for dinner to be ready down at Steve and Tanya’s house. She made some taco soup today and that sure sounds good.

I haven’t started cleaning yet but it’s next on my list. I don’t know how much I can get knocked out before dinner time but I’m gonna give it all I have. I have determined that tomorrow will be a busy day too. I’m going to air up my flat and get it changed at Hibbon’s (I’m getting really tired of driving Danny’s truck) and then its home to clean, clean, clean. Depending on the weather tomorrow I might just get out there and start working on the shed so I can finally get my Christmas stuff up. All these plans, so little time, but time is all I have!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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