Sunday, December 20, 2009

Headache from My Night Out...

Well today has been an incredibly lazy day. I woke up this morning with one of my sick headaches and couldn’t even go to church. I still have the headache though it’s not as bad as it was this morning. I slept most of the day away just trying to get rid of the stupid thing. I know why I have it and it’s my own fault. I knew I would have a few drinks when I went out with Brenna last night so I decided to pick up a pack of cigarettes so I could smoke while I drank. It was a stupid thing to do considering I’ve been doing so well on the patch, but what can I say. I paid for it today.

Last night was a blast with Brenna. I love those bonding times we have together. I met some of her friends and it was a really nice night. We had a few drinks, we danced, and laughed so much. They saw a few members from the credit union and this one guy was so incredibly small! He was dancing and it was a hoot to watch. They said his name at one point and what I heard is not was they said. I thought they said his name was Triscuit and I said how mean it was of his parents to name him that. They looked at me funny and asked why. I said what is he bite size. They still didn’t understand so I said what I heard and they died laughing. No his name was Tristan. We had a good laugh over that. Then Brenna recounted a text that I had sent her the other day. Danny and I were shopping and we found this really nice crock pot, so I texted Brenna to see if she had one. But I misspelled crock pot and put down cock pot. Everyone at the table died laughing and we started crying we were laughing so hard. I ended up getting home around 2:30 and I was so tired but incredibly happy that I went.

Other than that I have done a small amount of cleaning today. Ciara did get her room cleaned finally and now she has a little friend staying the night. Shay is asleep on the couch and Danny is still in bed with his bad cold. He’s started to get the chills now, so this isn’t a good thing. He’s been taking his medicine but this cold really has a hold on him. He just feels awful. I still have the sniffles but that’s as far as mine has gone. Outside of sleeping in the same bed he’s staying away from me as much as possible which I really appreciate.

I didn’t get any presents wrapped today, but I’m considering going in there now and getting started. I just don’t feel like doing much of anything with this headache. And though I shouldn’t be, I feel so worn out. You’d think sleeping all day would have me wide awake, but I almost think I could go to bed now and sleep until the morning. I’m sitting here yawning and yawning; just so tired! I do think Danny and I are going to go out with Brenna and her new boyfriend Gil sometime in the next few weeks. She wants us to go to this club called Groovies where they play old rock music so maybe I can talk Danny into going. It will give me another reason to get dressed up again.

Well I’m going to get off of here and try to get something done, even if it is sleeping. There’s always tomorrow to get stuff done. I do need to go shopping for the rest of Ciara’s birthday presents for Wednesday. I don’t know what I’m going to get her yet, but I’ll figure it out. Always something to do.

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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