Sunday, December 27, 2009

Relatively Slow Day...

Today has been a relatively slow day. I couldn’t make it to church because our roads are still so incredibly bad! I really wanted to go this morning, but Danny couldn’t take me because he worked last night and he was so exhausted when he got in. He just didn’t feel comfortable with me driving the car since I have so little experience driving on icy roads. So instead I slept in really late, but I was finally able to get some rest once he came in. When he works I don’t get any sleep because he’s not next to me. I don’t like staying at the house all by myself, it just gets so lonely!

When I finally got up, of course, I went straight to the computer. I swear I’m addicted to this thing! I checked my facebook, myspace, and of course my iPhone! I had several messages waiting on me, but nothing pressing. I checked online to see if they had posted today’s sermon only to find out that our sound guy hadn’t been there today. I was bummed! Then I found out that they had services in the fellowship hall so I wouldn’t have been able to listen to it anyways because there is no way you can record the sermon back there. I bet it was nice and cozy back there while everyone drank their coffee! I always hate missing Sundays because I feel like I miss so very much. I especially miss the fellowship with my family!

I decided that the laundry had piled up high enough that I needed to get some done. I absolutely abhor laundry! It’s my most hated chore out of everything I do. But it needed to be done and there was so much in there from when Ciara cleaned her room! So for the majority of the day that’s what I’ve been doing. Washing, drying, folding; it just gets so monotonous! And I had to match socks, which is the worst of all! But I sucked it up and did it anyway. Yea for me! Only now my dining room table is completely loaded with clothes. I need to get up and put them away, but I figure I’ll do it once all the laundry is done. I have two more loads then I’ll be done!

Of course I had to go feed the horses today and it was so cold! As I headed down to the barn I almost busted my backside several times. I let the weenies go down with me and Carmel tried to pummel them. I was screaming at him and running on ice; it wasn’t a good thing. When I got down there the water troughs were filled with ice and they were so heavy. I tried breaking up the ice the best I could because there was no way I was going to be able to lift it out of there. The horses are doing well in the cold and don’t look any worse for wear. I was really worried about the yearlings, especially with them being out in the blizzard (yes it was a blizzard!)and not being able to get inside the barn, but they are doing well.

I decided not to feed the rabbits today because I just fed them yesterday and figured they would be ok until tomorrow. Although I did have to take the trash to the curb and again I almost fell, but it’s one more chore that Danny doesn’t have to do. And that’s about it for my day. Relatively nothing! Just another day where everything is normal thank goodness!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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