Sunday, December 13, 2009

The House is Almost Done!

Well I sit here with most of the house decorated and I’m worn smooth out. I went to church this morning and taught the kids and it’s so neat teaching them about baby Jesus. I could’ve really used some fellowship time, but I needed to fulfill my part in the body of Christ. Now I’m getting one of my bad headaches and I’m thinking I should take a break and lay down for a nap for a little while. I’m proud of myself for buckling down and going ahead and decorating the house. Yes, it was lonely but at least it’s done and I won’t feel bad for getting nothing up this year.

I talked with my friend today that’s considering getting a divorce. I teach her kids in my Sunday school class and they are just precious. Anyway, the middle son Calvin was so sad today because my friend and her husband have separated and he’s having so much trouble with it. I talked with her and told her that God wants no family separated. I told her she really needed to reconsider the divorce. Marriage is not easy. It’s something both parties have to work hard at. She said Danny and I had it so easy because we were so much in love. This may be true (the love part) but we’ve had more than our fair share of trials. I just told her we were both committed to making our marriage work. We actually work at our marriage. He still takes me on date nights and I do what I can for him as a supportive wife. I give him the assurance he needs that he is a wonderful husband. We are also both committed to each other and let no one (and I mean no one!) come between us. It has cost me my family, but he is worth it. The vows said forsaking all others and I meant it. I told her that her marriage vows were not only to her husband but more importantly to God. So when she severs this marriage the greatest vow she is breaking is to Him. The children will pay dearly, and I know no one person that says divorce was the best thing they ever did. I told her that marriages have come back from worse problems than what they are going through if she is ready for some hard work, but work that’s worth all the effort for the blessings it will bring.

I guess I’ve taken a break for long enough. My sweet honey woke up and is watching TV in the other room. Maybe I’ll go in there with him and have some snuggle time. That always makes my day better. But first I better feed the rabbits and the horses. Still plenty to do and I doubt I’ll get it all done today. Tomorrow I have to take Danny to the doctor to see about all these headaches and I pray they are able to come up with a game plan to get these headaches to go away. Well, until later, I hope you all know that I keep you in my prayers!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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