Monday, December 28, 2009

A Day at the Doctor's...

Today seemed to last so long and it’s not even over yet. Of course that could be because we spent the majority of the day in the doctor’s office. Danny had to go in and get another shot in the base of his skull for his cluster headaches. They are saying if this doesn’t work in the next month that they are going in and doing a nerve block at C2-C3 and see if that will help. If it does then they will go in and burn off the nerve endings at the base of his skull. In any case they are looking to heal these headaches once and for all.

While we were in the office I was able to play with my iPhone so the wait wasn’t so bad. I played several games and kept my Facebook and MySpace up to date on the latest goings on. After the doctor’s office we ran by CVS to pick up Danny’s prescriptions and while we were there I returned Snuggies that we had bought for the dogs. Yes we are the crazy people who do stuff like that. But when we got them on the puppies they were scared to death of them so we decided to take them back.

We came home and I had to drive on the bad roads. In the city it wasn’t too bad, but once we got to our addition it was pretty rough. I could feel the car slipping and it scared me so bad. We didn’t get home until 4:30 so I knew I had to feed right away before it got dark. It was so cold out there especially when you have to give them water and it’s freezing! While I was down at the barn I noticed that we have to go get feed tomorrow. There won’t be any waiting on it either because we don’t have enough to get us through until tomorrow. We had barely enough to feed today and they are getting to the point where we’re going to have to get more hay. When I finished that I had to feed and water the bunnies. They were low on hay too so I had to go get in the shed and fill up their hay bucket. We were out of carrots so they didn’t get their extra treat.

Now we just finished dinner and we are watching the Bears play. Danny is relaxing and I’m blogging, what’s new. We did find out today that while Shannon was ice skating yesterday she fell on her phone and broke it. We didn’t have any insurance on it and the company won’t replace it. I’m not sure what we’re going to do about it yet, but I know we can’t afford to buy her another new phone. I did finish up all my laundry and got it put away. So I guess I could do dishes now, but I’m not in the mood to and it will still be there for me tomorrow. We still haven’t decided what we’re doing for the New Year, but I want to do something where I can get dressed up. I have this new dress I’m wanting to wear so bad! But whatever Danny decides I’m sure will be fine. Now I’m off to go get me some water and maybe do some Bible study before Steve and Tanya come over to play Farkle. It should be another fun night!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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