Friday, December 18, 2009

Shopping Day #1 and More...

Well yesterday was a busy day. I didn’t stop going from the moment I got up until I finally went to bed. I had my appointment yesterday with Anita and it went wonderful! She thinks I’m doing great and I feel great! Then Ciara was singing in chapel yesterday and had her very first solo!!! She did so awesome! And while I might be somewhat bias, I think by far she was the best one up there. She sounded so beautiful I brought tears to my eyes. I was so very proud.

While we were up at school my mom, grandma, and aunt were up there. I had told Anita I was sure they would be there and that I would do my part and be as nice as they would allow me to be. I wouldn’t be discouraged by their lack of response, just do my part so I wouldn’t have any regrets when it was all done. My aunt actually came up to me and gave me a hug and a kiss and asked how I was doing. Now before you think, “Oh, that’s so sweet,” you should know she is extremely two-faced. But I hugged her back and told her I was doing well. Grandma was standing outside the door, and although she pulled back, I gave her a hug and a kiss on her check and told her I loved her. Mom was not quite as receptive. She wouldn’t let me get close to her, but I made a point of saying hi and she had to acknowledge me because Ciara was standing right there. Not bad for a day’s work if I do say so myself. I was pleased with my interaction with them and that’s all that counts.

After that Danny and I decided to tackle Christmas shopping. We got a lot of the major gifts out of the way and I was pleased with all that we were able to get accomplished. We went to Wal-Mart and I was really dreading it because I thought they would be packed. But we went to one that we don’t normally go to and it’s somewhat out of the way, but there was another store we needed to go to and it was close to that store. Anyway, it wasn’t that busy at all. No crowded isles, no annoying people, it turned out to be very nice. Now a change of places did happen. I took on a Danny role and he swapped places with me. How you ask? Well I was all about getting the presents and getting out. We had our list and I wanted to stick to it and get out of there so we could do more Christmas shopping at other stores. Anyway, he wanted to browse and look and this and that and I was getting so impatient. Normally he’s the one to say get the stuff and get out, but yesterday that was me.

After I went and picked Ciara up at school we took back the clothes from Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s shopping adventure and got our money back. Then Ciara and I went to go get our hair cut. Ciara got quite a bit cut off and it looks so cute. I went really short and back to my old hair cut, the one I stole from Megan lol. That took a little over an hour, but when we were done we were both very pleased.

When we got home we quickly changed our clothes and went down to Ma’s house for dinner. We went and bought Ma crab legs because she loves them so very much. So Danny cooked those and we all ate until we were sick! They were so wonderful. Then we played a couple of games of Farkle then we tried this new game called Scrabble Smack. That one you really have to be awake on so we only played one game of it. We got home pretty late and it was time for bed. I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow I was so tired. I slept so well last night and I really needed it.

Now we are off to go shopping again. Shannon is picking Ciara up from school which will make CC so very happy! So it’s another adventure today. I think Danny has to go qualify out at the gun range then we will start our shopping. I hope we are able to get the majority of it done today. I’m sure the stores will be packed but I’m ready to get it done so I can start cleaning on this house and get all the presents wrapped. I hope all of you are doing well and please know I keep you all in my prayers. Until next time…

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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