Friday, December 11, 2009

Another Busy Day...

Nothing beats hot chocolate coffee in the morning! I’m sitting here sipping it while I contemplate all that needs to be done today. Danny is still trying to sleep off his headache and we have so much to do. First we need to go get the bales of hay. He needs to go qualify at the gun range. I need to go get that flat fixed on the car. Bills need to be paid. And finally he said we are getting the Christmas stuff in today so I can start decorating.

I did work on the house some last night and it does look better besides the dining room table which is Danny’s job. I figure I’ll dust and vacuum while I’m decorating because it’s all going to get dirty as I unpack it all. I think I’ve come up with a great idea. There is no sense in cleaning now when I’ll just have to go over all of it again.

I’m anticipating a good day today. Ciara did get sick on our way to school this morning. Her asthma was really acting up and when it does she coughs like crazy. She had fixed herself some scrambled eggs this morning for breakfast and all of it came back up with a ton of phlegm. Yuck! So we ended up driving back to the house so she could get changed and cleaned up and she ended up being an hour late for school. I did call the school and let them know what was going on and they weren’t 100% certain that they wanted her there. But after I reassured them it was just caused by her asthma they were fine.

I guess I better get off of here and get started. I’m wondering if I shouldn’t go get the hay myself since Danny is still sleeping and he does have to work tonight. Well as we speak he’s not sleeping anymore because his phone went off. Oh, I totally forgot! He’s got to go to the doctor at 3:30! I better get busy!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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