Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I'm sitting up here at work so incredibly bored. I really need to keep this one short even though there is absolutely nothing to do. I've cleaned the store, done inventory, cleaned the store again, and went through and sized everything. We've only had five customers in today and it's 2:30! I've been able to sell one pair of jeans and that's been it! She wants me to sell around $500.00 today and unless things pick up this evening I don't see that happening. Please pray that the Lord will send in a ton of customers and that I'll be able to surpass this goal today.

Other than that all I did yesterday was work. I worked yesterday evening but I slept in so late that I barely got the animals fed before I had to be here. Today I'll be working open to close which means 10am-9pm. I just got through waiting on these customers who tried on so much stuff, left things a mess and didn't buy a thing. I do tend to get frustrated easily when it looks like they are going to buy something and then don't. Yesterday was a relatively slow day up here too. I'm not working that many hours for the rest of the week and I need to make all the commission I can while I'm working but that is totally dependant on people buying. Maybe my expectations are too high since I do work in an expensive boutique. But people know that when they are walking in here. I've never walked into a cheap boutique and as far as "cheap" goes this is the less expensive boutique I've ever seen. I'm not trying to negate the fact that things are expensive, I just don't go into stores that I know I can't afford.

I guess I've complained enough now and while I could type much more I need to get off here and at least appear to be busy. Hopefully things will pick up this evening. I probably will be able to post something longer tomorrow since I don't work again until Thursday. I'm miss being on here during the day! I better go before another customer walks in, please be in prayer for big sales!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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