Wednesday, February 17, 2010

He Will Take Care of Everything!

Yesterday was a busy day for me. By the end of the day I was so worn out and even now I still feel tired even though I slept for over twelve hours! Yesterday was my first day opening the store all by myself. When I got there I had a note waiting on me and Farry wanted me to sale around $400.00 worth of merchandise. When I read the note I just cringed. I thought how in the world am I going to be able to sale that much! I started praying that the Lord would bring people in and that He would prosper me with every person that walked through that door. I didn’t have to wait that long, I was doing my morning cleaning when this very nice looking older lady walked through the door. She was well dressed and looked like she belonged in a boutique. We started talking and before I knew it she was trying on jeans and looking for stuff for her granddaughter. Before the first hour was out I had sold $100.00 worth of merchandise! Not a bad way to start out the day.

I try to stay busy while I’m there because otherwise the time just drags by. The other hard thing is not being able to smoke. I know I need to quit but that is easier said than done. I get one fifteen minute break when I work from 10:00 to 4:00 and for me that’s a long time to go with just one cigarette. Rather than eating on my break I typically go outside and smoke a cigarette then I’m right back in doing my work. I need to take some snacks up there with me so I can at least munch on something while I’m there, but the time really does go by pretty fast when you keep working. The one thing I have noticed is when I get dressed up for work I only have heels to put on with my outfits and before the end of the day my feet are killing me because I’m on them all the time. I need some good supportive flats but that requires money to which we don’t have any, so I guess I’m going to have to get Danny to rub my feet (yeah good luck with that happening lol).

The rest of the day we had a few people come in, I think total there was a little over 5 people who came in and I ended up making sales to 3 people. It would have been 4 people if I would’ve known that we could’ve accepted personal checks but the girl is coming back on Thursday to buy the jeans she couldn’t get yesterday. All together I sold a little over $320.00 dollars on my first day there by myself. Farry was so happy when she came in. She knows, had I been able to make that last sale on jeans, that I would’ve cleared the $400.00 mark. I was glad I was able to show her that I am a hard worker and that I will strive to meet the goals that she sets for me. It was a wee bit stressful (to the point I did walk out with a slight headache) but overall it was workable. The other thing I found out is the hours are going to be 10-4 which will be a problem because when she says 4:00 that doesn’t mean you get to leave at that time. You have to “close out” your shift which includes writing down everything you sold, count the drawer, and have a short meeting over what happened that day. So when you add all that in you typically don’t get out of there until 4:30-4:45. The reason that is a problem is because Ciara has to be picked up from school at 3:20 or she has to go to extended care which cost money. It’s not a huge amount of money, but still we are trying to stay away from any cash going out so we can pay our bills. I’m not sure how this is going to go yet, but Danny wants me to talk to her about it. I figure I can do it when I go in tomorrow afternoon (I close by myself tomorrow night) and just tell her the situation and she what she has to say about it.

When I finally got home I realized it was Women’s Bible Study night and I was debating whether or not to go. I was so tired, just absolutely drained, and a night at home with the family sounded good. What really sounded good was a hot bath and a bed, but God prevailed and I went to Bible study. It ended up that only Janice and I were there, but it was still a good study. We chatted for a little bit about things going on at church, our desire to see the church grow, and just other little odds and ends. Bible study ended up lasting two hours, so I didn’t get home until almost 9:00. My left eye was hurting me on the way home so when I got here I looked at and I’m pretty sure I have pink eye now! Sigh. Luckily Ciara has enough medicine for the both of us so I popped out my contact and put some medicine in right away. Then I got ready for bed even though it was still fairly early. I just needed to rest. My body isn’t use to this schedule yet and being on my feet all day. So while it was early to bed, it was not early to rise.

I did get up around 7:15 this morning to take Ciara to school, but when I got back home I went straight back to bed. I ended up not waking up until almost 1:00! I woke up with one of my headaches, but I think it was because of the stress I was feeling yesterday. I’m hopeful that as I get use to this the stress will go away and therefore the headaches will go away too. I do work tomorrow afternoon to close and the Lord really worked out that schedule. Normally I wouldn’t have been able to work because I would have Ciara, but she is going with Jason a day early this time, so I have nothing tying me down. The other thing is I finally have an appointment with Anita tomorrow morning. It’s been probably a month since I’ve seen her and I’m really feeling the effects of not being able to see her. Her schedule is so busy that you can’t just get in on a moments notice. So with me working tomorrow night it frees me up to visit with her tomorrow morning. Yes God definitely worked out my schedule and He is just showing me that I have nothing to worry about because He will take care of everything.

I’m going to jump off here and finally get myself cleaned up and dressed. I’ve been sitting here in my night clothes and it’s almost 2:00 in the afternoon. I have to admit thought it was really nice to be able to sleep in. Ciara is being a doll again! She swept and mopped the kitchen last night while I was gone to Bible study, she made another cake, and this morning she ran the dish washer and all of this is without being told or even asked to. I think she realizes that with me working now she is going to have to step up and help around the house. I have such a wonderful daughter. I actually have four amazing daughters that I am so blessed to have! Please continue to pray for prosperity in my job. I know I can do this through Him. I also wish to be a light for Him as I do this job, so pray that I would be a witness for Him. Things are going to start to look up, because He will take care of everything!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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