Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Well I keep hoping to hear back from one of the jobs that I applied for but I haven’t heard anything yet. This waiting is making me nervous. I hope I’m not hoping in vain with this down turned economy but I do have to get a job. I went back to one of the jobs that I applied at and adjusted the hours that I could work so I could work more hours than what I had originally put down. They seemed please with the increase of hours that I put down, now I just have to wait for a call. Please be praying that I get a call back soon so I won’t be so antsy.

Yesterday was a unique day. Something neat and yet sad happened at the same time. Shay had come to me early in the morning saying that her boyfriend in Maryland was giving his number out to this new girl and I told her that wasn’t good so she responded to him with that saying she wasn’t comfortable with it. Later she headed down to the barn and I figured she would be down there for awhile like she normally is, however she was back in 20 minutes which is very unusual for her. When she came in she called my name and I could tell by the way she was talking that she was crying. She said she needed me and went into my room and collapsed on my bed in tears. Her boyfriend had broken up with her through text messaging and didn’t even call her to do it! She was devastated. I sat there and comforted her the best way I know how and offered up words of encouragement for her. I was so touched because she came to me first! Above all others I was the one she wanted. It meant so much to me! My heart was breaking with her tears, but I still felt a contentment that she would seek me out. I fixed her some comfort food and we ate together and things seemed to be better for awhile.

For dinner we had Steve and Tanya come up and I made breakfast. We haven’t had breakfast for dinner in quite awhile and everyone said it sounded good. I made bacon, scrambled eggs, biscuits, and sausage gravy. Everyone seemed to come up in waves so I kept the oven on and kept the food in there to keep it warm as they came up for dinner. When we got done we broke out the dice and played a few games of Farkle and it was fun. We ended up going to bed pretty late so the morning came way too early for me.

I had my first physical therapy appointment this morning and it went well. They said I have a grade 2 strain on my shoulder with tendonitis. We did exercises and ultra sounds and shock therapy with heat and ice. My therapist is Norman and he is too funny. He is very gay! My phone started ringing and it’s to the tune of Mamma Mia and he says, “Isn’t it the best movie ever!” It just made me crack up! I go back tomorrow and again on Friday. I will be going three times a week until we see some improvement and then got to once or twice a week. He thinks it will take about 6 weeks until it gets better, but we’ll wait and see.

We had left-overs for dinner tonight. I had pot roast, carrots, and potatoes for dinner and Ciara had breakfast again. Danny hasn’t eaten yet, but he’ll be fending for himself (gee I’m a great wife) tonight because I have Bible study with the women tonight. Nicky just came up and him and Ciara will play together for awhile I’m sure.

I’m excited about going to Bible study tonight. We always have such a great time together and a great time in the Word. I’ll take my questions with me when I go from my daily Bible reading and Janice always does a great job at being able to answer them. I don’t know if my friend that’s getting divorced will be there tonight but the more I think about it the more I know she needs to be there. I talked with Pastor today about her (she wanted me to call him) and my heart breaks over her current situation. She is going down the wrong road as fast as she can go. She continues to call me for advice and I promise she doesn’t want to hear what I really have to say. I talked with her today and her take on life amazes me. She’s at the point it’s everyone else’s fault and not hers. But I better stop there before I lose my spirituality.

I’m going to get off here now and maybe take a nap. I’m so tired from not sleeping well at night that I’m just worn out. I’m also still pretty sore from my fall and it’s keeping me up at night too. Maybe if I relax a little before I go I my mind will be fresh and won’t wander so much while I’m there. I’ll keep everyone posted on the job situation and updated on what’s going on with my shoulder. In the mean time I’m going to try to be productive here and maybe be a good wife and offer to fix my husband to eat. Mmmm, maybe…

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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