Friday, November 27, 2009

Jen and an Update on Ma

Well three days have come and gone and I haven’t been on the computer and I was beginning to go through withdraws lol. I have been down at the in-laws house taking care of Jen and all that it entails and for those who know Jen, you know it’s a lot. She kept having seizures while I was up there and they can get pretty scary. There was so much going on with her this time that I am mentally and physically exhausted. Her schizophrenia was acting up really bad and for two nights straight she didn’t sleep at all, but was taking to her “people”. I kept telling her it was time to be quiet and go to sleep but it would give her no rest. One person she talks to is John F Kennedy Jr. (the one who died in a plane accident). He is always upsetting her and “taking” her stuff. If something can’t be found, for whatever reason, then John took it. He tells her mean things, that she believes, and it makes her cry. The more upset she gets the more prone she is to get the seizures. On Thanksgiving night she was upset and scared with Ma being home and she kept having the seizures, one right after the other. The bad thing is that unless it’s a grand mal seizure there is really nothing you can do but try and calm her down. Last night she kept calling out Ma’s name and you could tell it was upsetting Ma because she couldn’t do anything to help her. Ma was resting on the couch, as she should be, and is in no condition to be up walking around. Speaking of Ma, she does get to come home on Sunday. The doctors gave her an eight hour pass yesterday so she could come home for Thanksgiving. She asked for a plate of food and we gave her small portions of everything and she ate it all! What a joyous time! When we began listing our blessings you can bet she was at the top of the list. She seemed to really enjoy herself. We were concerned that it may wear her out, but she rested well and took little naps, but did wonderfully well. I wonder if she didn’t wait to come home on Sunday so Jen would already be home (Jen is leaving tomorrow) and it wouldn’t upset Jen anymore. It’s just a thought, or it could be she just needs those extra days to rest up at the hospital, a little more time to recover. Whatever the case I know she’ll be glad to be home, and well be glad she’s there too. Other than that, Tanya and I cooked our little hearts out yesterday for Thanksgiving. I was so thankful for all her help and I wouldn’t have been able to do it without her! We had so much food left over that we’ll be eating nothing but that for a solid week. We didn’t get any turkey (well just enough for one turkey sandwich) so I may go by a turkey breast and cook it (considering they will be cheap now!) so we can have left over turkey to go with the rest of our meal. Again, just a thought, but I think it’s a good one. I know Danny would love and he enjoys eating the leftover turkey sandwiches so I may try and sneak out today (on Black Friday no less) and go get a turkey. I’ll ask Danny and see what he thinks. Well you’d think I would have more to report, but I don’t, well not anything that anyone would want to hear anyways. So with that I will begin my day and my best wishes to everyone!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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