Friday, November 6, 2009


Last night the bonfire was so amazing! It reminded how very much I miss all the girls being out here together. The mood was light and happy! The moon was huge and beautiful, a perfect autumn evening. God just continues to show me how very much He loves me by all the blessings He bestows on me. How great is the blessing of my family! I do love them so very much! It was a blessed time to spend with them. These times are so rare anymore, being able to get all the girls together, and so very precious! It warms my heart and brings a smile to my face. I can’t remember the last time we were able to spend all day with Megan and it was so great. Brenna misses her wife (me) and I miss her living here too. Shannon is becoming such a beautiful young woman and her love of life amazes me. Ciara is getting so big so fast and I look at them all and wonder where the time went and how did it fly by so very fast. I looked away for but a moment and in that moment time changed so much. I look back with joy in my heart not necessarily longing for those days back (well maybe just a little), but I do look forward to the days to come and more memories that we can make together. There will be more bonfires and holidays to make memories together and how I look forward to those times! In the mean time I will cherish the memories we’ve made and hold them close to my heart.

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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