Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Another Update on Ma and More...

I’m sitting outside this morning enjoying a beautiful day. It’s a little cool, but no breeze and the sun feels so good! I pray that today is a good day. Danny got a call last night at 2:00am about Ma. Her oxygen level went into the 40’s and they had to put her on a respirator. It’s a setback but not anything she can’t overcome with the help of God Almighty. I hate that she’s had this setback but what are you going to do? Nothing but pray! I want to see her home by Thanksgiving but I’m beginning to wonder if this is possible. The doctor’s had already expected that she would be out of the ICU by now, yet here she is back on a respirator. They also had to start weaning her off the strong medication that she’s on and it’s going to be so painful for her with that incision still being opened. Now I don’t know when they will start trying to do this, but I expect it when they move her to a normal room, whenever that may be. All I know is right now she needs our prayers and that is exactly what she’s going to get. When I talked with Danny he said they had her sedated so she wouldn’t fight the respirator. I will go up to the hospital today and probably stay while Roy goes home to feed the animals. Tonight is church night and we will be looking at Job 2. I look at his life and wonder how his faith stayed so strong. I have been talking about my weak faith lately, but through this Bible study, “Believing God”, I think it’s starting to grow again. Having faith through trying times is so hard. I do wonder how Ma’s faith is holding up with all that is going on. Last night as I did the Bible study it asked me what my chief prayer request were and I said for my whole family to “know” and love God unconditionally. There is no greater prayer than this and that through “knowing” Him that they might come to live a life that will bring glory to His name. I know I have lost family members and I pray for their souls. I don’t want anyone to be lost and I pray my life is an example to them. Sometimes I wonder how it could be with me living with depression and needing to be on medicine to be “normal”. But that is not my concern because God can handle that. So as I still out here this morning surveying the wonder of His creation, I thank Him for loving me. It just goes to prove what an awesome God He is that He would choose to love someone as sinful as me. I know my heart and I know my mind and I pray that God cleanses my mind and consecrates my heart wholly unto Him. I will enjoy this morning (with my chocolate coffee lol) and begin my Bible study again. I will pray that God uses me today in a powerful way that I am not expecting. Those types of prayers are hard because you are opening yourself up to the great unknown. However, I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength. Please remember to pray for Ma and for her complete healing. She needs our prayers so desperately right now! And God will be faithful to hear us and answer us according to His will and great purpose for our lives! To Him alone be the glory and honor forever and ever!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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