Tuesday, November 24, 2009

ER and Other Stuff...

I woke up this morning to Ciara talking on the phone to my mom and grandma again. She’s been on that phone so much lately with them and to be honest it makes me mad. They abuse the fact that she has her own phone to get around talking to me. It only makes the relationship worse. I get so frustrated with them, this relationship would be easy to fix if they just put some effort forth. But I am guessing they don’t want to fix it, instead they want to hold on to resentments and pass offensives that I am unaware of. I know God knows what He is doing, but sometimes I question why things can’t be better. Honestly though, their bitterness has filled them with so much poison that I don’t want a relationship that’s toxic.

In other news we went to the ER last night with Danny again for his headache. They gave him two shots in the back of his skull and they looked so incredibly painful! It numbed his skull and he said it seemed to help some. The doctors gave him a new medicine to try and see if they can’t get rid of this thing finally. I know he’s sicker of that headache than I am. I can’t imagine living with a horrible headache for three straight weeks.

I guess I need to get off here and start working on the house again, but I don’t want to. I need to make up a list of everything I’m making for Thanksgiving and get a shopping list made. I’d rather go shopping today when the stores won’t be as crowded as they will be tomorrow. I could also, possibly, make up my pie crust today and get them rolled out and put in the freezer for Thursday. So many ideas and so little energy. But something has got to get done so I’m off to do whatever that may be.

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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