Thursday, July 16, 2009


*Have You blinded me Your will (surely not, may it never be) or the road You would have us travel so I am required to hold Your hand with each step we go? Are You perfecting in me the blind faith You so long for me to have in You?

*It’s always “Can/Will You do” on our lips, not “May I serve You” . Why do we always seek how He can continually bless us as He serves us, rather than us ask how we can continually Him? How much more we would be blessed if we really lived our lives to serve Him and not be served for our own selfish gain!

*Following You blindly, I am willing to come. Clasp my hand tightly, please don’t let go, like all the others before have done. Put Your arms around me, hold me close, for I can’t see where we go. Don’t let me stumble, please save me from the falls. I pray and ask You to put me in the haven of Your wings, so I can be sheltered from what was, what is, and what is to come. This is my cry, this, my plea; may I remain close, always by Thee. May my prayer be sweet incense as it rises up to You my Lord. Jesus defend me from what lies may be told and the ones I already think and hear. Give me clarity, discernment, and wisdom so I can walk with You continually following Your will.

*Lord, bend me gently lest I break. Frailty is all I know, my porcelain heart, I’m sure was made to be broken. I would protect myself from anymore pain, yet I want to let You love me, the way You tell me I deserve. No one will ever love me the way You want to, if only I will let my guard down. You have promised that You are not like the rest, that have hurt me so many times before. But Your love can bring the pain of healing, yet I don’t know if I can open myself to that pain, for the anguish I’m in now is near unbearable. Yet the pain I’m in now is slowly killing me and You long to give me life filled with grace that is more than sufficient. Because You are enough for me, this I know so well, if only I can bear my heart for you to mend, crafting pain into beauty. Lord, bend me gently lest I break, I’m giving you my heart, forever to take…Because You are not like the rest, You are enough for me.

*Life is defined by moments and you never know which moment you’re defining; until it’s there, then in a flash, it’s gone. A moment defined, frozen in time, and in that moment encompasses a life worth living for.

*Refresh me with in Voice of many waters. Wash over my soul Living Water. Satisfy my thirst in You and cleanse me with Your everlasting flow of love.

*When will I learn to be pliable to the Lord, so He will not always have to use fire to mold me, teach me, refine me.

*Why must patience be learned through trial and heartache, when it’s at these very times you need it the most?

*You call on me to follow You, I must walk by faith even though the road I travel is weary with every step I take. Your strength will supply me with everything I need, though I walk an stumble, and at times crawl on my knees. Fill me with Your Spirit with each breath I take. Guide me with Your everlasting love until I leave this place.

*If I could save time in a bottle how many bottles would it take to save all the time of the loving moments that we make?

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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