Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Carrot Cake Yum!!!

These past few days have been so busy with this new job, but I’m really enjoying it so far. I really like my new boss, she is just as sweet as she can be. She is so very different from Farry; it’s like night and day. There is so much to learn about there! The major thing they want you to learn about is their jeans. It is so much information to digest and right now it feels so overwhelming. I did find out they would prefer for me to wear their clothes but right now we just don’t have the money to buy anything. The one thing about their clothes is that they are for the younger generation and they seem a little young for me to be wearing. I just need to find some cute plain t-shirts and I should be good.

In other news Danny finally got the fence finished! I can’t tell you how happy I am about that! This now means we can let the little ones out without having to worry about them running down the road, getting run over, etc. It is a huge burden lifted off my shoulders and I know it’s a huge accomplishment for Danny. He worked on it for two and a half days and today Steve came up and helped him and they got it knocked out. It looks really nice and I’m so proud of him for finally being able to get it up.

I still have pink eye so I’m still in my glasses which I hate. I look so dumb with glasses on! I don’t work tomorrow so Danny and I are going to spend the day together doing a whole bunch of nothing! We’ll probably sleep in late together and spend the rest of the day snuggling on the couch. Not big plans for my day off, but it will still be time well spent. Not much else has been going on, I’m leaving so much out but I am so tired that I just don’t feel up to blogging right now. I have missed being on facebook and myspace but it’s all a part of working. I don’t mind because I’m not bored at work, they keep me busy the whole time! Well I guess I better go. Ciara is making a carrot cake and there’s a big piece with my name on it :)!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad to hear you like the new job. That is definitely an answer to prayer, and sounds like God has led you to a great boss. He is so good!
