Saturday, March 13, 2010

Past Couple of Days...

I have to say I didn’t think I could be this happy working. I’m really surprised I’m doing as well as I am. I think it’s the fact that I have such a great boss who is so understanding of my schedule and works with me so much with it. I thanked her the other day for working with the schedule and she said it was no problem and she enjoyed having me on the team. I actually feel appreciated that I’m there and that makes a huge difference. I don’t know that I’ve ever felt this content at a job and I don’t know that I’ve ever liked a job as much as I like this one. It’s just further proof that I am where I’m supposed to be and that God has me here for a reason.

The days go by so fast when I’m up there. I enjoy the distraction in my day and the boredom has all but gone away. I had three different appointments on Thursday which was my day off and I spent the majority of the day in the car driving all over town. I had my first appointment with Anita and she still thinks I’m doing really well. We mainly talked about the situation that I asked for prayer about. I still can’t get into the details of the situation, but Anita did help shine some different light on the situation. There were still some things that I needed to talk about but we didn’t have the time to get into it. After that I finally had my eye appointment and I was finally able to get my contacts! I was so excited! I absolutely hate my glasses and I hate the way I look in them. Not only that but they give me headaches. A good thing was my eyes have improved from the last time I was in there. My next appointment was my most dreaded one. I had to go see Dr. Becker to get another shot in my shoulder. The shots hurt so badly, but the last time I got one it did help with some of the pain. This one hurt just as bad, but it’s the end result that I’m after. I also had some shopping to do. I needed to get me some comfortable shoes for work because all the shoes I have are mainly high heels and my feet kill me by the end of the day. So I went and picked up Ciara and we went out to my work, got my schedule for the following day and did some shopping. I also got me some capri’s because I only had one pair that fit me since I’ve put on so much weight.

Friday morning I had my last appointment with Misty my physiatrist. After talking with her about some things that had been going on lately and the way my thoughts had turned she decided that she needed to up my Cymbalta. I was excited about this because I had thought for awhile now that it needed to be increased. It should help with the remainder of my depression and that is always a positive thing. I had to be at work at 9:30 that morning so I drove 90 miles an hour (I know way too fast) so I could get there on time. Friday was a busy day at work and I was able to sell quite a bit. That makes my hourly pay go up so I was really excited about that. My boss was really impressed at the way I was able to handle all the customers and still do my daily duties. I really do try my best to be the best employee I can be. It’s the least I can do for the way they support me and encourage me. They really are great encouragers! They are always so polite and are huge on manners. It’s great to be a part of such a great staff. I ended up working later than I planned on because one of the assistant managers had to go to a funeral and it had run long. She didn’t ask me to stay longer but I did offer since Danny was off and able to pick Ciara up after school. Again she was really appreciative and thanked me profusely.

I called Danny on my way home and I really wasn’t up to cooking so he called in a couple of pizzas. I was so excited that I didn’t have to cook. I am hoping that Danny will start cooking on the nights that I have to work. I don’t know that it will happen but it is a hope of mine. We spent the evening watching TV and just cuddling together. Danny went to sleep early and Ciara and I sat in the chair together and it was really special. Today it’s going to be much of the same. I did get up and start cleaning up the kitchen. We are still trying to decide if we are going to have a St. Paddy’s Day party; I don’t think we the money for it, but we’ll wait and see. I don’t work again until Monday so I will enjoy the weekend off. I’m off on Tuesday and Wednesday but I offered to work if they needed me. I work for the rest of the week including Sunday. They are saying that the weekends are crazy but again I will look forward to it. I guess I better get off here and spend my time with the family. It’s a beautiful day outside so I might see if I can’t find something to do out there. I hope all of you are doing well and I would ask you to continue to pray for Danny and his job situation. We appreciate all your prayers! Grace and peace be yours!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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