Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Part-Time Working Mom and Wife....

Working the past couple of days has really worn me out. I haven’t been cooking dinner again and tonight Danny’s cooking for me! I have the best husband in the world and I love him so very much! Life has been a little crazy lately as it seems that all I do is go to work and come home and veg. I’m content for the moment so that is good. God has me in a place right now to where all I can do is trust Him and rely completely on Him. I guess there’s no better place to be than in the shelter of His wings. It’s a safe haven from this cold and cruel world.

Things are harsh right now with the situation in which we asked prayer for. I still can’t go into details because Danny is still not sure what he wants to do or where God is leading Him. We’ve talked about it in depth and talked about the options available to him but we still haven’t come up with a winning solution. Danny is so frustrated and so depressed right now and there is so little I can do to encourage him. It frustrates me to see him so helpless knowing there is so little I can do to help him. I wish my love was enough to bring him through this as my love is so great, but this is his burden to bear for the moment, God has given it to him for some reason. Though we don’t know the why of it, we can only have confidence that He will see us through this as He has seen us through things that I’m sure have been more difficult than this.

We did have an incident with Ciara the other day when we caught her in a big lie. On days like that parenting is just no fun. What made matters worse is we had just had a great time at the lake together only to come home and here this horrible lie that she had told to our nephews. It wasn’t one that could be taken lightly! This was one that was a determent to her honor, her reputation, and her values are so much better than this lie led them to believe. When I heard it, it made me sick to my stomach. I called her up to the house and confronted her with it and she wanted to lie about it to me, but she could see I knew the truth. When she realized the magnitude of her lie and what it could cause she was devastated as well she should have been. It wasn’t a lie that grounding would fix and she punished herself so harshly we figured that was punishment enough. She learned a valuable lesson which is all you can ask for from mistakes made and I can guarantee you that she won’t make the same mistake again.

Work has been busy but good. I’m positive that we aren’t having a St. Paddy’s Day party this year because we just can’t afford it. It bums me out that we can’t do it, but again God has a reason for it. Danny loves that party but I think even this year he’s not up to it. He’s not up to much right now. He spends his days watching TV lying on the couch. I have two days off work now and I’m not real sure what we’re going to do yet. We’ve talked about going to Sulfer Springs for a day but I’m not sure it Danny will want to go or not. I think it would be nice to take a picnic and just spend a day out in nature, especially before the next round of snow comes in, which should be Saturday. I’d like to do something nice with the girls on their spring break, but again I’m not sure what and what Danny would want to join in on. I guess I should jump off here and spend some time with the family. It should be a relaxing evening which excites me. I think tonight will be a snuggle night.

Oh, before I forget, Elowyn went into heat. I went and got her a doggie diaper that’s supposed to keep her from bleeding on things and discourage mating. Well it’s working on the first part, but not on the mating part. I’m pretty sure well have puppies in about three months. I wasn’t really ready for puppies, but they will be a good source of income. We did have two more litter of bunnies, but again, none of them made it. I didn’t want Elowyn to get pregnant in this first heat because it’s not suppose to be great for them, but there is no proof that it actually harms them. I would’ve liked for her to be another year older before we did the puppy thing, but I am excited to see what we’ll have. My two main fears are that she’s so little and that she be able to birth them ok and then my other fear is falling in love with them and not wanting to give any away when all of them need to be sold. So there you go. Another day in the life of a part time working mom and wife! I pray for all who read this and I hope you know how much all of your prayers mean to me!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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