Saturday, March 6, 2010

Just Need To Get To It...

For the first time in a long time I know what it finally feels like to really like your job! It’s such a great feeling to wake up and not dread going to work. Even when I was working at the boutique it was just another job because we needed the money, but I didn’t look forward to going in. I was nervous and felt, oh I don’t know, like, um I’m not sure what I’m looking for here, just it wasn’t what I had hoped it would be or how I would feel. There’s something more to it than that, but it’s just hard to put into words. I know God had me there for a reason, but I still wasn’t content, something was missing. I hope you can understand what I’m trying to convey here, but the main point is now I look forward to going in and working with the people I’m with.

I did work yesterday and it was my last day of training. Training was much harder than I thought it would be. There was so much information to digest that I feel like I’m on overload, but now I know what is expected of me. I feel like I have been thoroughly trained for the first time ever! I don’t feel like I’m flying by the seat of my pants learning as I go. Don’t get me wrong, there is still plenty to learn, but I feel like I’ve been armed with useful information that will help the customer and me. I’ve noticed a difference in how I approach the customer now verses when I was at Ma Vie. They show you how to approach them and what to say to them. They show you how to lead into showing other things that the customer may not have come in to find, but once they see it, they decide it will go with what they have been looking for. They show you how to build outfits rather than just one item that they may have been searching for. It’s just a lot of knowledge that I didn’t have before hand and I feel like I’m now a better employee for knowing it.

When I got off work I decided since they had a layaway program I needed to do some shopping because, like the boutique, they like you to wear their clothes. Now they have never complained at what I’ve been wearing, quite the opposite, they are always complimenting me on how cute I look. However, there were some shirts there that can go many different ways and I can build tons of outfits with them that I thought there was no way for me not to buy them especially when I get 40% off. The few things I didn’t get from there, nor will I, is jeans and capris. They are just too expensive there, so I will go shop at Ross for those items because I can get them so inexpensively there. I ended up shopping for an hour and by the time I got to the car my feet were killing me. However I sold quite a bit yesterday and was really productive. My boss kept complimenting me on how well I was doing with the customers and how I was bringing product in that they didn’t ask for, but were buying because they liked it.

Danny is back working again so when I got home he was sleeping. I went down to feed the horses for him and I know he really appreciates when I do that. Ciara had called me and she went with Jason yesterday, but last night she had her first school dance at her school. She had invited a friend, but she forgot her ticket in the car that morning so I had to drive to her school to drop it off to her. It was an 80’s dance and when I saw her I wanted to laugh so hard because I remember dressing up like that when I was young and it just took me back to those days when I looked so goofy. Not that she looked goofy, she really looked quite cute, but still it was the thought of myself being dressed like that with the crimped hair and high socks and whatnots. I got back home and made me some dinner and spent the rest of the night vegging and watching TV. I fell asleep on the couch and didn’t wake up until almost 5:00 and that’s finally when I got up and went to my bed to finish the night off. Once Danny got home I was out and ended up sleeping until noon!

It was a good thing that I got up when I did because Cindy called me and wanted to come up and get some horse manure for her garden. So I quickly got dressed and her and Leo came up to the house with their tractor and their truck to load it up with all the older manure they could find. I had a pile from mucking out the barn that was just perfect for them. Leo tried evening out the area that the colts had been in, but it was so high I told him never mind but that I appreciated the gesture. I came back up to the house and needed to go get some of my medications so I called them in and headed to the pharmacy. I also remembered that we have our fellowship dinner tomorrow at church so I stopped by the store to grab a carrot cake from there. I meant to pick up some more chocolate creamer for our coffee but I forgot about it, so no chocolate coffee for us :(. I stopped by Sonic and picked me up some breakfast for lunch and headed back home.

When I got home Danny had been worried about me because he couldn’t find me and I had forgot to leave him a note (just in case he woke up and I wasn’t here). He asked me to come in there and snuggle with him for awhile so he could fall back to sleep. I think it’s funny that not only can I not sleep without him next to me, but he can’t do it either. We both sleep better when the other one is next to us. So I laid down and before I knew it I was out! Even after sleeping all that time I guess I needed a nap as well. I finally got up at 6:30 and went to go feed the rabbits. Now I’m back inside and wanting something to do, but I’m not sure what that is. I guess I need to go do my study time for work (to memorize all of our jeans) and also read my Bible for awhile. I need to get a shower tonight for church in the morning and do a load of wash so I have a pair of jeans to wear tomorrow. So there’s plenty to do now I just need to get to it!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

1 comment:

  1. Peace and Grace to you. I have to write once again to let you know how much your writing has been a blessing to me. Your writing style helps me to make sense out of my day as well. Thank you! You minister to many without being aware of doing so.
