Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Sweet Dreams Tonight!

This will be short and sweet. No tears tonight…today was a restful day! I got up to take Ciara to school and came back home and crashed again. I feel asleep in the recliner last night and stayed there until 3:30 this morning. The bad thing about that is the chair is so uncomfortable that I didn’t sleep well. Then when I finally went to bed, Danny decided to sleep out on the couch. The window was open and our room got so cold that I spent the rest of the night freezing. So needless to say I didn’t get hardly any sleep last night. I slept until almost 1:00 this afternoon and it was a good thing because I felt a headache coming on. I had hoped to spend the day cleaning but that didn’t happen.

I did call a hypnotist today about quitting smoking. I’ve tried the patches and while they help some they don’t take away the mental desire to smoke. I’m pulling out all the stops here! I want to quit smoking! They taste nasty and they are so bad for me! The other thing I did was called Dawn (we got the puppies from her) to get the information about getting the dogs registered. She has so much going on in her life right now that she really needs all of our prayers. I did finally get up and cleaned on the kitchen some and it felt good to have it half way done. I need to have the house totally cleaned by Saturday because Brenna is coming out with Gil to get the dresser and to go out to eat with us. Lots to do and so little time. Thursday I have a coffee date with Tara and I’m so excited. I miss her so much when I don’t get to see her and we both enjoy our coffee dates so much.

Other than that it’s back to work again tomorrow. My mom was going to take me to lunch tomorrow but with me only getting 30 minutes for lunch there just isn’t enough time for a sit down meal. I’m lucky to be able to get down what I take each day in enough time to be back. She asked if I could get 45 minutes off for a break but I told her there was no way considering we are on a schedule on when each person gets to go on break. I’m kind of glad I’m not doing lunch with her tomorrow because I’m just not ready for another sit down talk. There’s not much you can squeeze into 30 minutes but I know she would try and that’s not what I want to do on my break. Danny went to work with Steve today and he enjoyed his time out of the house. Life is going ok. It could be better, but I will take what God gives to me. I pray for you all and I hope you know how much you all mean to me. God has really blessed me with all of you! Told you this one would be short but I have a bed calling my name! By the way really quick, I’ve had some bizarre dreams the past two nights. I’ll have to share them next time! So get ready sweet dreams here I come!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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