Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Beginning of Life’s True Fairy Tale

How were we lucky enough to find each other in this maze we call life? How did I catch your eye as I walked into the room? What was it about you that made the world stand still? How is it that in a room crowded with so many people, that my eyes only found you? Was it that impish smile that spoke of a boyish charm? Was it your amazing blue eyes that spoke of a warmth I had been searching for all my life and never found? Was it the way you carried yourself with ease, self-assurance, yet humble in spirit? Was it your promise of a dance, yet not knowing that you didn’t dance at all? Was it the way you followed behind me with every step I took, or the way your eyes followed me and saw right to the heart of me? How is it that, when you never spoke a word, your spirit spoke so eloquently to mine? How could I see forever in a moment, just by glimpsing into your eyes? How was I assured of the promise of a love so sweet, a love so pure, a love only found within your embrace? How did I know, in that instant, that you were the one I had been waiting for my whole life? How was it that I realized that while I had spoke of love before you, now knew I had never experienced the love that stories are made of, one that was destined to be the fairy tale I had dreamed of? Now I look back and wonder how was a love so strong was found in one glance? In a moment, in the blink of beautiful eyes, life was forever changed. The sun glistened and the wind was gentle, just the way a fairy tale should begin. She walks in the door and he sees her across the room. Their eyes meet and a spark ignites. Their incomplete souls have been searching and in an instant they found what they have been longing for. I wonder if you were able to hush the din surrounding them, if you could hear their hearts calling out to each other? I wonder if you could hear her saying, “I’m searching for another heart where my heart can be at home,” and his saying in return, “then come home, come home with me.” It sounds like the beginning of an epic love story and it is. It is our love story that is true. Ours is a love that the writers long to pen, but could never dream of a love so grand, so profound. Ours is the love that the songs are sung for, yet never found. It has its highs and lows, but at the end of the day, we always come back together. Life has given us trials that would have broken other great loves, yet our love is stronger still. It’s a love that I could spend forever trying to put into words, or just spend forever basking in a love that found us by surprise. The only thing that surprises me now is I see other loves fade, yet ours just grows stronger with each passing day. Was it luck that we found each other in this maze of life? Was it destiny that the fringes of our lives brushed past each other for a moment and collided headlong into love? Why question how it all unfolded and folded us in? All we need to know is we were blessed in this life, to be chosen as a part of the precious few to find a love that fairy tales are made of. Forever found in a moment, a love meant to be, this is the life story for you and me.

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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