Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rest In Peace Terry....

Today after I got through blogging I received one of those phone calls that everyone knows will happen but dreads when it does. A few years ago I was working for John and Renee at their forklift company and met this amazing mechanic named Terry. He was so funny, lighthearted, and loved life. His joy for life was contagious. We quickly became great friends and he loved to cut up with me. He was also so very encouraging and could always lift my spirits when they were down. Simply put, he was a good man.

This morning Michelle called me with the news that Terry had passed away this very morning. She told me that about a month ago he had gotten sick and went to the doctor only to find out he had cancer. The doctors started him on chemotherapy right away and he was responding very well to it. They had intended on starting radiation this week and the doctors had great hope that he would recover from the cancer. However, the Lord had other plans. While heaven is a better place now with him in it, the world is definitely less than what it was when he was in it. We are all taking it pretty hard because it was so unexpected. I can easily say he was my favorite mechanic there! You couldn’t meet him and not like him. I plan on attending the funeral whenever they have it, I’m just not sure when it’s going to be yet. He was only in his 50’s and that is so young!

So needless to say it put a great damper on my day. I did have a good time tonight at Jam Fest with Ciara. She’s really good at playing the drums and she seemed to really enjoy herself. Also Kathy cleaned my house today and I was overjoyed when I came home! I think I will keep her. Danny also told her about my poetry and my writings and she wanted to read some of it. She echoed what everyone else has said and says I should see about getting my stuff published. I know everyone who reads it says the same thing, but I guess it’s true what they say that you are your own worst critic. Skyler is coming over tomorrow to work on getting us our wireless printer set up. We also bought Skyler’s old laptop today so now Danny has his own computer. That means mine will no longer be cluttered with mechanical things that I have no clue about lol. Skyler is also going to install Windows 7 on my laptop and we went and bought Quicken Business and Home software that he will install on Danny’s computer. This time we will pay him for his work along with feeding him dinner. He’s looking for some money to build his own computer and we want to help him out with it.

Other than that not much happened today. I did look online for Aniyah again but I can’t find any shorthaired miniature dachshunds. I’m hoping to get her as soon as possible. I feel like I need another baby to love on with Hannah being gone. Work was short today, we only got in two boxes of freight, but I had to send out close to twenty boxes to other stores. I was only there about three hours and then was able to come home. Danny’s dump truck is coming along nicely with Rick and Kathy working on it. I’m pretty sure they will be staying the night again tonight. I’ve got a vague headache and it’s just enough to be a nuisance. I’ve had a stiff neck now for almost two weeks and I’m really getting sick of it. I need to get in to see a few of my doctor’s and get Ciara to the doctor (she’s going first) for a sports physical. There’s much to do if I can just get it all done. Please pray for Terry’s family, friends, and co-workers. We appreciate your prayers and know God will hear them. I thank the Lord for the time He gave me with Terry and I take comfort that the Lord didn’t make him suffer here on earth. While I may not understand God’s will or timing I can have faith that He is a big enough God to take care of all things. Praise Him on high!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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