Wednesday, May 19, 2010

So Busy Lately and....Puppies!!!! Oh and an Afterthough of Tornadoes

Man I have been so busy lately!!! In between work and family things have been nuts! I hardly get on the computer anymore, much less blog. When I do have free time I’m so dead I just can’t bring myself to blog. But here I am with some time on my hands (even though I should be cleaning house instead) so I thought I would brief everyone on the latest things. But the question now is where to begin???

I guess I’ll only recap these past few days because everything else is work related, whether it be me or Danny. So here recently Ciara and I have started to go play racquet ball. We have so much fun playing but man am I sore when we get done then over the next couple of days. Ciara hadn’t played racquet ball before and she absolutely loves it now. It’s great bonding time for the both of us, just one on one time. With her growing up I think it’s really important that I do this. I also want her to think of me as a fun mom who’s willing to get out and be silly with her. We laugh so much when we do. She’s trying to talk me into doing a gym membership but they are pretty high. I think for the time being it’s cheaper to just be a guest. We’ll see where God leads us with it, but it’s not anything I’m going to jump into.

Yesterday was my birthday and normally it is a day that I hate. Why you ask? My uncle (favorite one) died on my birthday 6 years ago. It is such a sad day for me, but the family worked really hard to make it nice for me. (Back tracking for just a second Monday was Ciara’s last field trip and I was able to get off work and go with her. We had such fun on that day! It was another lovely day spent with her and she was so happy I was able to go with her). Yesterday was her party for 6th grade as they are leaving and going into 7th grade. I also went and enrolled her for Life Christian Academy for next year. I brought her home to see the puppies (Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Elowyn had her puppies, more on that in a second) and she absolutely loved them. It was a sad day though because we lost our cat Conan, her rabbit Starbucks, and a baby bunny that looked like Zookie, all yesterday! To lose three pets in one day is really hard. There were many tears shed and a couple of graves to dig. It was a real bummer. Then it was off to dinner. Tanya, Steve, my mom, grandma, Danny, Ciara and Me all went out to eat at Mimi’s CafĂ©. I thought it would be a nice evening and while it wasn’t totally bad my mom and grandma hardly said two words to Danny all night. Danny was frustrated because he was trying so hard. I was highly disappointed in them that they didn’t try hard to be nice to Danny. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised but I was still hoping for the best and hoping they would be good with him. I need a bigger effort from them if I am to keep trying to work on this relationship.

In other news….ELOWYN HAD HER PUPPIES!!!!!!! It happened on May 15th and she had three but only two of them survived. One is Isabella color (suede) and the other is black and tan so one looks like mommy and one looks like daddy. They are both girls and I have already named them Hannah and Rachel. Hannah means God has graced me and Rachel means little lamb (because she is ultra tiny!!!) I know that the new owners that buy them will rename them, but I would like to keep track of all the puppies we have and what better way than to name each one of them. In the beginning Elowyn was a horrible mother. She wouldn’t have anything to do with the puppies and would shake whenever we forced her to lay down with them to feed them. She was petrified of them!!! I wasn’t here when she gave birth but Danny was and he helped her. I was bummed that I missed it, but I had to work that night and there was nothing I could do about it. In any case we are so proud of her because she has done a complete turnaround (it took about two days for her to get use to them) and now she won’t leave them at all. We have to pick her up and carry her outside and force her to go to the bathroom! I am feeding her by hand because she won’t leave them long enough to eat. I can already tell it’s going to be so hard getting rid of them, but we may already have Rachel sold! Ciara’s teacher, Mrs. Cole, is considering buying her even though it won’t be for breeding. So if you can’t tell I am so excited that they are here and I’m loving every minute of it. I didn’t know about it the first couple of nights because of Elowyn not taking care of them but now that she is I’m loving it. If there is a problem it would be that she’s decided to make their bed our bed. So we’re changing the sheets everyday because they just get so messy from the babies being in there, but I wouldn’t change a thing about it!

Other than that everything has been pretty normal. Danny is working on getting our landscaping business up and running and he has been going like a mad man. He already has his first job as soon as he gets his tractor in! I am just praying that God really provides us with opportunities to work and earn money because the retirement money is going so incredibly fast! I’m still working although it’s hard to bring home any money because the clothes are so cute there. I have to start having more self control because as soon as we get freight in I’m looking through it to see what I want to buy. The good thing is I really needed some new clothes because mine were so outdated and worn out that I really needed some new clothes. I’m also buying things that both Ciara and I can wear so it’s like buying two for one. That’s the way I reason it to myself anyways. Well it’s church night so I better run. Again I wish I could do this every day because I feel like there is so much that you’re missing out on. But I really enjoy the time that I can get on here and do this. I pray that you all are well and that the Lord is lifting you up in a special way. I keep you in my prayers daily. Grace and peace to you!!!!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

PS I was asked to share about my experience last week in being right next to a tornado. We were driving back from Lawton and there were two tornadoes in Norman. We ran into one of them on Highway 9 on our way back. It was a barrel shaped tornado and it was Oklahoma Red Dirt in color. I think they rated it at a F-2 which is winds higher than 100mph. It wasn't that scary even though we were right next to it. The main reason is I was medicated heavily because I had one of my sick headaches. I was like "Woohoo" and Danny was completely freaking out which I thought was too funny. But we had a van spin out right in front of us because of the tornado and it got real for me all of a sudden. Places around 2 miles away were really affected so it came really close to us. The day after that we got another really bad storm in with hail bigger than baseballs. That one did hit our house and it busted out our skylights, windows, it tore holes all over our siding and it looks like someone took a shot gun and shot our house up. There is major damage here now and as I sit here typing this we are having more tornado warnings going on in the state and possibly some heading our way. Please keep the people of Oklahoma in your prayers and I'll try to get back on here soon and let you know how we made it through the storms....

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear from you. Hope you had a wonderful birthday! Elowyn's puppies sound so cute.
