Saturday, July 17, 2010

Thank You In Advance For Your Prayers....

So I wrote a little something last night, but I thought I would get on here and thank everyone again for their prayers. What makes me sad is I can praise God in the good times but I have a hard time praising Him in the bad times. I keep questioning Him why these things had to happen like He owes me some explanation but He doesn’t. In many ways I feel like Job right now. We are going through so many hard trials (don’t get me wrong it’s nothing like Job went through) and I keep thinking why? Since I believe in predestination I have to know that God has this problem already worked out although I can’t see it. He is a good God all the time and He wouldn’t allow something to happen to us that won’t turn out for our good and that He won’t get the praise for in the end. I have to take courage in this because it seems like the only thing I have to hold on too right now is His love and promises.

Ok now in other news…I think we have decided to keep Hannah!!! She has found her way into our hearts and I just can’t bear to part with her! Our doctor tried taking her but I guess his dog about tore her up so he said it just wasn’t a good fit. She was so happy to be home and I missed her so much for her only being gone for two days!!! I think we are still getting Aniyah (the red doxie) and I need to start looking for her. I want to potty train them both at the same time! And I’m also hoping that Elowyn takes to Aniyah like she is one of her own pups. Also in dog news, Edom and Rukka attacked our neighbor’s dog yesterday!!! They really tore that little guy up!!! Our neighbor is so mad right now and to be honest he has every right to be!!! He has now said that if our dogs go on his property that he will shoot them. Again he has every right to do that and as responsible dog owners we have to keep our dogs contained within our property. So we have to go buy a big dog pen because we have three really big dogs. For the moment they are staying locked up in the entry way of the house. I have to say they really don’t feel like they are being punished because they are in the cool of the house rather than the sweltering heat of the outside sun.

Also….Danny has really been hurting bad lately. He struggles with debilitating pain on a daily basis. He goes back to see his pain specialist and they are talking about doing some kind of internal implant that will vibrate his nerve endings and that will take away the pain. To be honest we have heard some really bad things about this device. It’s battery operated and so every so often you have to go back in for another surgery to replace the batteries. Danny doesn’t want anymore surgeries and I can’t say I blame him. But they have to figure out something to do for his pain. He has decided that pain pills are not an option because they can be so addictive. I think he made the right decision but there has to be some answer out there for his pain. I pray constantly that God will heal him from this pain, but this may be the thorn in his flesh. So please be praying for his pain. He isn’t sleeping at night and is also keeping me awake as he wants me to rub his neck and his lower back. Poor baby, he’s being such a trooper trying to deal with this but I know it wears on him.

I guess that’s all for now. I’ll try really hard not to stay gone so long. I looked at the blog site and I only did one post in June and so far this will be my second one in July. I use to post 30+ blogs a month when I was staying at home! I miss it so much!! Now I need to get up and do some cleaning! The house is a mess and it’s my own fault. I haven’t used my washer and dryer very much and the laundry is piling up again!! I wish I was a clean freak, but alas that is not how God made me lol!!! I’m lifting you all up in prayer and my love goes out to you all!!!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

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