Monday, June 14, 2010

So Much To Tell!!!!

There has been so much that’s happened that there is no way I’m going to remember everything, but I’m going to try lol. I’ve had the past week off, but I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had a chance to get on here. I’m going to be off this next week too (yea!) because this is the time I have Ciara and Shannon. They are out for their two week visitation during the month of June and we’ll do this all over again the month of July. I love it when they are out here!! We have so much fun and stay so busy with them. We’ve had some great bonding moments and I praise God for that. Children are such a blessing and there are times I wonder why God chose me to bring them up in His ways when there are others out there that could do such a better job than I do. I guess, though, that I do try and He sees that. But enough of that now on to the latest!

I guess the biggest news is Danny bought me laser eye surgery for Mother’s Day, my birthday, and our anniversary! It was for all three (because they all fall in one month of each other) because it is a very expensive procedure and insurance won’t cover it because they consider it cosmetic. I don’t see how it’s cosmetic when your vision is as bad as mine was. But I went in a week ago Friday for the procedure, and I didn’t get Lasik because my cornea’s were so disfigured and that’s what was causing my stigmatism. The doctor said I could have been born with it or it was due from wearing contacts for such a long time. In any case I underwent a procedure called a PRK and rather than cutting the cornea they due the laser right on top of the eye and then smooth out the cornea. I received numbing eye drops but even with that it was pretty uncomfortable. However, if given the choice I would do it all over again!! Afterwards my eyes hurt so bad and all I wanted to do was sleep for four days. My vision right after was blurry and it was like having a bad pair of contacts in. My eyes were extremely light sensitive and they gave me a pair of polarized sunglasses. Now don’t ask me the difference between regular sunglasses and polarized, but I do know that the glasses felt great on lol!!! My vision is getting better with each passing day but it will take a full two months for it to completely heal and to see as clearly as I will. It’s hard to imagine because they are saying that I will be able to see things I have never seen before. Right now I can’t comprehend that but I’m so excited to finally be able to experience it!!

Danny’s retirement is going really well. He has already had a few jobs and he’s loving it! We now have all the equipment and he is fulfilling a lifelong dream by doing this! He has some more jobs coming up and we still need to do some advertising but I have just prayed that if this is what the Lord wants him to do that He would prosper us and give us all the jobs we can handle. I’ve gone with him a couple of times to job sites and we have a good time together. I went and got him a nice daily planner and organizer to help him keep tract of his hours, mileage, appointments, etc. We registered for our farm license and we should be getting that pretty soon so we won’t have to pay taxes on the feed we get and other things for the business since it’s farm related. It’s going really well and the Lord is really watching over us!

Well our washer finally went out the other day and it went out at such a bad time!! I haven’t done laundry in forever and I was planning (strongly stress the word planning lol) on doing some laundry this week. I told Danny what had happened and normally he can fix these things. However, not this time!! We are wondering if the flooding in our house caused it to short out, but Danny said even though we had standing water in the utility room he didn’t think insurance would cover it. So you think I would be excited about getting a new washer and dryer, and I guess I am, but all I hear when I think about it is cha-ching $$$$!!!!! Danny is hoping by getting me a new set that I will take to liking doing laundry more, but I don’t know about that hahaha. He did get me a very nice set though; he takes such good care of me!!!

Oh which reminds me!!! When we got the major hailstorm it destroyed our pool so insurance covered part of it so we are getting a new one! Danny was looking at pools while I was working and when I got out of work he called me to see if I wanted to come approve the pool that he had picked out. So I drove over there and the pool he picked out is so nice!!!! He then asked me if I wanted to go look at some toys and I said sure. So we are walking over and he stops at a hot tub and ask if I’d like it as a toy. I said sure! Then I replied that we couldn’t afford it and I asked him if he was joking. He said yeah he was joking so I was like OK. Then he says what if he wasn’t joking? So again I asked him if he was joking or not. He says yes, I mean no…and he had this huge smile on his face. So he buys me a hot tub!!! I can’t tell you how long I wanted one!!! I don’t love him because of what he buys me or what he does for me…I love his heart and how he loves me! He’s always thinking of what will make me happy and goes to the Nth degree to supply for me what I want and what I need. His love amazes me!!!

Let’s see what else has happened??? My mom had her grand opening for her hair salon on Saturday and it was a smashing success!! I was really happy for her. The relationship between her and Danny is still very stressed and I just pray she comes around soon. Also the girls and I have been swimming at the local pool (even though I’m not very much fun because I can’t get my face wet because of the eye surgery) and we are going to play racquet ball. Racquet ball seems to be our new obsession and we love hitting the ball around and just having a good time. We love laughing with each other and at each other lol. We have so much fun and we are getting a workout while we are doing it. Ciara swears I’ve lost some weight but I can’t tell it. Danny had talked about taking me on a trip to Mexico to the beach, but with all the problems going on down there we didn’t dare try it. We are also getting a new miniature dachshund as soon as we sell Hannah. We are getting a red female and her name will be Anayah. I’m so excited to have another new puppy to spoil although I must say I will be so sad to see Hannah go!! She has wiggled her way into my heart and she is just precious!! She looks so much like her daddy Asher and someone will make some good money off of her puppies!! I really wanted to keep her, but that would required me getting another Isabella (that’s a suede color) male and I’m afraid that Asher would hurt another male because he’s so territorial. So I will consider getting another Isabella female and I’m pretty sure her name will be Abigail. But that’s later on so I won’t worry about it right now.

I guess other than that I’m just working on working weeks and hanging out with the family. I’m loving life and feeling great. I’ve gone out with Megan a few nights and had a blast with her. I’m trying to curb my shopping and I’m working on building self-control because I am really lacking at it when it comes to my work and buying clothes there. Sorry this turned out to be so long, but there was so much to share! I pray for you all daily and hope you are doing well. May the good Lord bless you and keep you! Much love to you all!!!!

Melissa Fitzwilliam

1 comment:

  1. It's so nice to get caught up on everything. Thanks for sharing your adventures! Praise the Lord for his blessings too.
